A Quote by Vijay Singh

I am proud of my achievements, my work ethic, and the way I live my life. The PGA Tour not only treated me unfairly, but displayed a lack of professionalism that should concern every professional golfer and fan of the game.
Mini-tour life isn't a glamorous, professional golf life. If you're not on the PGA Tour, it is very tough financially.
Dennis Murray is a wonderful Golf Professional who is personable and skillful as an instructor. Dennis helped me work on my golf swing for a full week back in the 80's when I was still playing the PGA Tour. His instruction was great and helped my game very much.
I am blessed to live and work in [France,] a country where women filmmakers are by and large not unfairly treated. So I wouldn't have much to contribute regarding issues faced as a female director.
I want to be a scratch golfer. And when I'm 50, I want to play on the Senior PGA Tour.
When I talk to my mates, they all have their opinion and though I'm a professional who's played the game and lived it they still don't agree with me. Every fan thinks they knows best, every fan is passionate about their club and their team and their points are valid because they watch them all the time.
The only time I am an unhappy camper is when I feel like I'm treated unfairly.
I am proud that I defy your categories. I am proud that I don't fit easily into any box. I am proud of all the things I am and all the things i can be. Question yourself every time you think you only see one thing in me.
I am a very conscientious golfer. I count every stroke. I learned to play that way. That is the only way I can play. It taught me to be honest. There is no greater virtue than honesty.
No one has ever given me anything. No one gave me a tour card, no one gave me a US tour card, no one gave me a nice house and a Ferrari: I've had to work for every penny I have earned and I'm proud of that.
While an ethic of justice proceeds from the premise of equality—that everyone should be treated the same—an ethic of care rests on the premise of nonviolence—that no one should be hurt.
The Supreme Court ruled that disabled golfer Casey Martin has a legal right to ride in a golf cart between shots at PGA Tour events. Man, the next thing you know, they're going to have some guy carry his clubs around for him.
We have standards. Anybody with the kind of journalism experience and professionalism that you have displayed over these years can not work for my program.
The average golfer's problem is not so much the lack of ability as it is lack of knowledge about what he should be doing
From my own point of view, I went to college in the States. I am very comfortable on the PGA Tour. I have made my family life over there. It would be a big upheaval for me to play full time in Europe, which is why I have decided that I am going to play mostly in the U.S. but still support Europe when it is possible.
I think that it's the passion for the game that we have and just the work ethic. We try to work as hard as we can every game. Trusting God and help from our parents have gotten us to where we are now.
I believe that... every one of God's creatures was created equal. I believe that everyone should be treated equal, that's the way I was raised and that's the way I live my life.
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