A Quote by Viola Davis

Because I grew up in such tight spaces, I don't get manicures, pedicures. I'm not into cars, but I am into a fabulous house. I wanted the spiral staircase, clean sheets on the bed, to be able to take a shower.
I get manicures and pedicures because I don't want to be one of those guys with messed-up hands and feet.
With all the hybrid stuff and things like that, I think that's a fabulous direction to go with cars in that sense. As someone who grew up around muscle cars, I'll never not be able to not love a muscle car. Not that I don't care about the environment, that's not it. But I adore muscle cars.
I don't get manicures, pedicures. I don't get my hair done as often as I should.
This will be a week that I change your sheets! Don't try to rest the same way you've rested in the past, for I AM remaking your bed to rest in. Know that I AM causing your house to be reordered and redirecting your steps. And because your bed is being made, stay focused and up with Me, until the breakthrough is seen in your life.
I pay attention when people get manicures and pedicures. I've always noticed it as a guy. When my wife goes to get her nails done, I'm always very aware of it.
We are not afraid to look under the bed, or to wash the sheets; we know that life is messy. We know that somebody has to clean it up, and that only if it is cleaned up can we hope to start over, and get better.
I remember in '37 when trolley cars were so big in New York. It was five cents for a ride... There used to be open-air buses, and you could go up a spiral staircase and sit up on top. Those were great, great days.
I remember in 37 when trolley cars were so big in New York. It was five cents for a ride... There used to be open-air buses, and you could go up a spiral staircase and sit up on top. Those were great, great days.
I am lonely. I clean up the house, put kids to bed and there I sit.
I don't take showers at night, because I take a bath when I wake up. Then I go to bed on the most beautiful Egyptian-cotton antique sheets in the world.
At Marshall Field in Chicago, I had them take a big bed into the menswear department, one with black sheets. I'd get in bed wearing a nightcap, and my fans would get in bed with me, one at a time, and I'd sign their memorabilia. And then I'd give them a free pint of Ben & Jerry's.
Many a man may look respectable, and yet be able to hide at will behind a spiral staircase.
I have a little spa at home. I put together a room where I get massages, pedicures, manicures. It's comfortable in my own home, and it's very private. It's very relaxing.
When I get home I'll still have to unload the dishwasher and clean my room. Last night my mom got so fed up of my messy floor in my room she picked it all up off the floor and put it on my bed so I would have to clean it up before I went to bed!
I just love cars; I've been like that since I was a kid. It's an infatuation because we grew up poor. Cars was something we were always trying to get.
I just love cars; Ive been like that since I was a kid. Its an infatuation because we grew up poor. Cars was something we were always trying to get.
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