A Quote by Viola Davis

There's no prerequisites to worthiness. You're born worthy, and I think that's a message a lot of women need to hear. — © Viola Davis
There's no prerequisites to worthiness. You're born worthy, and I think that's a message a lot of women need to hear.
Worthiness doesn't have prerequisites.
When we can let go of what other people think and own our story, we gain access to our worthiness—the feeling that we are enough just as we are and that we are worthy of love and belonging. When we spend a lifetime trying to distance ourselves from the parts of our lives that don’t fit with who we think we’re supposed to be, we stand outside of our story and hustle for our worthiness by constantly performing, perfecting, pleasing, and proving. Our sense of worthiness—that critically important piece that gives us access to love and belonging—lives inside of our story.
The next time the devil tempts you to think that you are not worthy to approach God, here is what I advise: Agree. Say, “You are right. I am not worthy to approach God. I never was worthy to approach God. I never will be worthy to approach God. My access to God’s presence is not based on my worthiness, it is based on what Christ did for me on the cross.
Intellectually, I know I am worthy, however arbitrary a thing worthiness is, and have always been worthy.
That education is the most important of all professions is a message the public should hear and understand. And, as importantly, a message that our educators need to hear as well.
We often block our own blessings because we don't feel inherently good enough or smart enough or pretty enough or worthy enough... You're worthy because you are born and because you are here. Your being here, your being alive makes worthiness your birthright. You alone are enough.
My favorite song on the album is 'Paper Doll' because I think it's a message that a lot of people need to hear, and it's about something that a lot of people struggle with. But I don't victimize myself in the song and I don't allow the person who's trying to intimidate me get to me.
I think certainly that looking for love is a big part of the show, but I think that if - there's one thing that is different about 'Sex and the City' and the message that I think has resonated with viewers, especially women. It's that you don't need to get married. You don't really need that love to be fulfilled.
I think we have to fight the idea - that I think a lot of us have internalized - that it is difficult to work with other women. We really need to embrace collaboration with other women. We need to seek out other women to promote.
The beginner should not be discouraged if he finds he does not have the prerequisites for reading the prerequisites.
With President Obama, there's a feeling that he gets it. He has women in his life. He knows that our health care is important, that it's important able to get access to the care that we need when we need it. That's what translates. Women hear that when they hear him speak about these issues. He will be a champion and will defend us when we need it.
Worthiness is a process, and perfection is an eternal trek. We can be worthy to enjoy certain privileges without being perfect.
I have made mention of something I've found incredible a lot of times. I'm gonna remind you of it again. A TIME magazine cover back in the mid-1990s. The cover story on that issue of TIME magazine had the following headline Shock: Men and Women are Actually Born Different." When I saw that the first time, I was astounded. I cite it often, because I need to ask you a question: What must you think, what must you believe if you come across research that tells you men and women are born different?
I think right now is when we need to hear different voices coming out of all parts of the world. You can't just hear the politicians and the military leaders. You have to hear from the taxi drivers. You have to hear from the painters. You have to hear from the poets. You have to hear from the school teachers and the filmmakers and musicians.
We are all born worthy. Worthy of love, worthy of success.
You are worthy! Let those words sink deep into your heart. You are worthy. Life can get overwhelming for us, as our busy schedules keep us on our toes. Sometimes we forget that we need to intentionally slow down, take a deep breath, and remind ourselves of our purpose, the very foundation of why we do what we do. When we neglect to quiet our souls and rest in God's amazing grace, we miss out on the intimate opportunities where God assures us of our worthiness, clarifies our purpose, and strengthens us to endure each day.
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