A Quote by Viswanathan Anand

In 1996, the players at the VSB tournament in Amsterdam sent me a card for my wedding with this dedication, 'Anand congrats on your wedding. You were a great player, now be ready to lose 50 points'.
My wedding preparations were done. My wedding outfit was ready. I had even bought my jewellery, and the cards were also printed. It is very sad that I had to call off my marriage one month prior to the actual date.
Women ... to them any wedding is better than no wedding and a big wedding with a villain preferable to a small one with a saint.
When Joe and I got married two years ago, we were both super strictly Paleo and we were shredded for the wedding! All of our wedding pictures consequently turned out fantastic. I wish I could say I was as thin now as I was then!
Whenever I get married, it will be a Bengali wedding. If I won't have a Bengali wedding, my mother won't come. She has warned me. So, I am going to have a Bengali wedding for sure.
The good thing about being gay, though, I always believed, is that you didn't make anyone go to a wedding. Nobody wants to go to a wedding. Nobody. It kind of bothers me now that you have to go to gay weddings, too. I don't care. It's still a wedding. And I would give anybody double gifts if they would elope.
Now what is a wedding? Well, Webster's dictionary describes a wedding as the process of removing weeds from one's garden.
The interesting thing about gay people is that you can't really put on a wedding without them. They're the ones who make your dress, and do the flowers and the catering. They've toiled in the wedding industry all these years but were never allowed to do it themselves.
A wedding, a great wedding, is just a blast. A celebration of romance and community and love... What is unfun about that? Nothing.
Larry is back in town...The wedding is set for October. Tammy is threatening to have me in the wedding. Some friends they are.
The four rings on my wedding finger are all very significant - my wedding ring, my mum's wedding ring and the engagement rings of my granny and mother-in-law.
Fantasies can be great, but we shouldn't make the wedding a fantasy, because the wedding is the gateway to married life. It shouldn't be a moment of illusion; it should be a moment of preparation.
My friends asked me to be a reverend at their wedding in France a few years ago. I went on the Internet, and within 15 seconds, I was printing out a certificate which allowed me to officiate at their wedding.
...The two great turning-points of my life were when my father sent to Oxford, and when society sent me to prison.
What the altar-bound of today end up buying from their numberless vendors is a dog's breakfast of bridal excess - part society wedding of the twenties, part Long Island Italian wedding of the fifties. It's The Philadelphia Story and The Wedding Singer served up together in one curious and costly buffet.
For the person that wrote that, were they involved with anything last year that was as culturally significant as the Yeezus tour or that album? ... The bar was terrible, and the wedding planner didn't approve it with me. I was having issues with this wedding planner the entire time on approvals, and I get there and they threw some weird plastic bar there.
It's very nice to be asked to anybody's wedding. Particularly if it's the Prince of Wales. I learned a lot from it, which was to end early and get away. I suppose one would have to look back historically and see who other royals had at their weddings. Were there people at Queen Elizabeth's wedding who were common like myself?
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