A Quote by Viswanathan Anand

There are two aspects to being competitive; one is to do with sports, and the other is about technical skills. Being able to recollect the moves and apply them when necessary is a critical aspect.
Primary and especially secondary education is extremely important in preventing trafficking, it allows children to develop critical thinking skills to be able to defend themselves from traffickers and to have the skills that will enable them to have gainful employment to be able to support their families in other ways than being sexually exploited.
I'm not knocking the other sports; I love other sports. There's a competitive and a technical level of them that I won't understand, probably, to a certain extent, but I've done a lot of other sports competing on college teams, and there's just nothing like fighting.
Most people think that I'm so technical that I don't have a feel aspect or a rhythm aspect of it, but that's just the opposite. I need to get into my momentum and my rhythm in regards to being technical and analytical, and also being that artist.
Yu Na Kim, Mao Asada, Carolina Kostner - all these girls can do triple-triples in their sleep, and they have the skating skills and the spins and the rest of the technical jumps. So I have to have that as well if I want to be able to call myself 'competitive' against them. And when I say 'competitive,' I mean I want to win.
Wrestling and sports entertainment is not about the moves, it really isn't. It's about being able to evoke emotion in one facet or another.
A living organism must be studied from two distinct aspects. One of these is the causal-analytic aspect which is so fruitfully applicable to ontogeny. The other is the historical descriptive aspect which is unravelling lines of phylogeny with ever-increasing precision. Each of these aspects may make suggestions concerning the possible significance of events seen under the other, but does not explain or translate them into simpler terms.
I won't have any competitive instincts in any sports, other than golf. I can't see being competitive in sports any more.
Games are often won or lost on the free-throw line. This isn't about slick moves or great skills. It's about practice, muscle memory, and being able to keep a cool head under pressure.
It is both possible (and even necessary) to simultaneously enjoy media while also being critical of its more problematic or pernicious aspects.
The special skills necessary for being a storyteller are really very simple. I actually talked about them in a book of mine called 'Tell Me a Tale.' Those basic skills are to listen, to observe, to remember, and to share.
In every interview I've got to explain something about being white but still being into hip hop. It's gone way beyond the musical aspect of the business. And I'm as critical about music as everybody else is.
I used to be afraid of two things - being alone and not being able to write. Since Albert's death, I don't care about writing or about other people.
As kickers, it's all about being able to block out the crowd noise, being able to block out certain aspects of the game, and just do your job no matter what the circumstances are.
It's very hard being a mother or father and not being able to provide for your family. Your job as a parent is to keep them safe and protect them, and when aspects of that are taken away it puts these people in an awful situation.
[At Boston College] I started working on the kinds of skills that you need for comedy. It's about being creative and learning to use your gift for being able to let loose and be very unself-conscious. It took me time though before I was really able to get comfortable doing that.
There may be as much nobility in being last as in being first, because the two positions are equally necessary in the world, the one to complement the other.
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