A Quote by W. Edwards Deming

The average American worker has fifty interruptions a day, of which seventy percent have nothing to do with work. — © W. Edwards Deming
The average American worker has fifty interruptions a day, of which seventy percent have nothing to do with work.
According to the Tax Foundation, the average American worker works 127 days of the year just to pay his taxes. That means that government owns 36 percent of the average American's output-which is more than feudal serfs owed the robber barons. That 36 percent is more than the average American spends on food, clothing and housing. In other words, if it were not for taxes, the average American's living standard would at least double.
The average person works at fifty percent or less of their potential. Your job is to unleash that extra fifty percent.
The haiku that reveals seventy to eighty percent of its subject is good. Those that reveal fifty to sixty percent, we never tire of.
Fifty percent of people won't vote, and fifty percent don't read newspapers. I hope it's the same fifty percent.
There is nothing but a lack of social vision to prevent us from paying an adequate wage to every American citizen whether he be a hospital worker, laundry worker, maid or day laborer
I don't want anything seventy-thirty. Fifty-fifty's always good enough for me. I don't want to have to give anybody seventy; I don't want anybody to give me seventy. I want fifty.
While much remains to be done to achieve full equality of economic opportunity-for the average woman worker earns only 60 percent of the average wage for men-this legislation is a significant step forward.
The average American worker enjoys amenities for which Croesus, Crassus, the Medici, and Louis XIV would have envied him.
Seventy-eight percent of millennials are worried about not having enough good paying job opportunity to pay off their student loans. Seventy-four percent can't pay the health care if they get sick. Seventy-nine percent don't have enough money to live when they retire. So, already, we're having a whole generation that's coming on, not only here but also in Europe, that isn't able to get good-paying jobs.
An average of seventy-four species become extinct every day, which was one good reason but not the only one to hold someone's hand.
The ordinary American - as far as I can tell - knows so much less than he did fifty years ago and has such poor work habits compared with fifty years ago that the average multiplicand of knowledge/capabilities is a much smaller number than it was in 1961.
This is ten percent luck, Twenty percent skill, Fifteen percent power of will, Five percent pleasure, Fifty percent pain, and a hundred percent reason to remember the name
And Hillary Clinton is going to do nothing for the African- American worker, the Latino worker.
Fifty percent of Winston is genius, fifty percent bloody fool. He will behave like a child.
Interruptions: The average worker gets interrupted five times each hour. It takes an average of 5 minutes to handle each interruption and 1 minute to get back to what you were doing. This adds up to 30 minutes each hour or 50% of your time!! You've got to think about "big things" while you're doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.
I don't want anything seventy-thirty. Fifty-fifty's always good enough for me.
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