A Quote by Wallace D. Wattles

To think health when surrounded by the appearances of disease or to think riches when in the midst of the appearances of poverty requires power, but whoever acquires this power becomes a mastermind. That person can conquer fate and can have what he or she wants.
I'm absolutely convinced that this is a world of appearances, not reality. There's one reality and that's Light and Love. When some say, we create our own reality, I always demur and say, "Please, would you mind adjusting that a little bit? We create our own appearances." We become master of appearances and as we change our thought, we will see the appearances around us change. That gives us this huge sense of dominion and power and control over our world.
If Hillary Clinton wins, she becomes the face of the Democrat Party. She becomes the face of the power. She becomes the focus of attention for the media and everybody else - rendering Barack Obama not invisible, but certainly secondary status. I have my doubts about that. I think there is such devotion - media - for and to Obama that I think he's gonna remain prominent no matter who is elected president, and I think that he is going to seek to undermine anyone, whoever they are, if they try to undermine or unravel any of his so-called achievements.
Power obeys reality, and not appearances; power is according to quality, and not quantity.
That's what Judith Herman is saying, and she's absolutely right. Power then breeds an intensification of all because the power can never be absolute power - to some extent it's stymied - but the isolation while in power becomes even more dangerous. Think of it as a vicious circle. The power intensifies these tendencies and the tendencies become more dangerous because of the power.
Here I am getting $50,000 for personal appearances. Everyone wants a piece of me. But my kids think no one could possibly think Dad is cool.
Within each of us lies the power of our consent to health and sickness, to riches and poverty, to freedom and to slavery. It is we who control these, and not another.
Trump might think that Fox needs his star power, and on the margins it's true that Trump appearances and interviews are right-wing ratings boosters. But the network was No. 1 long before he became a politician.
Society is, and must be, based upon appearances, and not upon the deepest appearances, and not realities.
I think the great power of Bette Davis was she always knew who she was. She had an obligation to herself and her audience. When you think of what she was compelled to do, the power she put on the screen, the fact that she took upon herself a much greater task.
Odors have a power of persuasion stronger than that of words, appearances, emotions, or will. The persuasive power of an odor cannot be fended off, it enters into us like breath into our lungs, it fills us up, imbues us totally. There is no remedy for it.
Of great importance to my outlook on life is the opportunuty I get to meet people on various appearances. I suppose I could devote every weekend to appearances and i do try to make as many as I can.
Putin wants to stay in power, but not so that he can finally solve our most pressing problems: education, health care, poverty.
I already know what things look like - I don't want description. People believe in appearances, and I don't believe in appearances at all.
(there is) no other means of escaping from one's consciousness than to deny it, to look upon it as an organic disease of the terrestrial intelligence - a disease which we must endeavor to cure by an action which must appear to us an action of violent and willful madness, but which, on the other side of our appearances, is probably an action of health. ("Of Immortality")
What is the cause of historical events? Power. What is power? Power is the sum total of wills transferred to one person. On what condition are the willso fo the masses transferred to one person? On condition that the person express the will of the whole people. That is, power is power. That is, power is a word the meaning of which we do not understand.
Playing with appearances and mastering the arts of deception are among the aesthetic pleasures of life. They are also key components in the acquisition of power.
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