A Quote by Walt Frazier

The regular season is where you make your name, but the postseason is where you make your fame — © Walt Frazier
The regular season is where you make your name, but the postseason is where you make your fame
You can't compare regular season to postseason.
The regular season is awesome. It's fun. But postseason, that intensity and adrenaline you get from it is a lot.
It is hard to quantify the value of name recognition, but Donald Trump has gone from fame to international mega-fame. That has to be gargantuan when your business is your name.
We were able to change the mold of the regular season for Notre Dame basketball, so we thought, 'Why can't we do it in the postseason?'
If you use your own name as your business brand, keep in mind that if you lose that brand, you have lost your name. And that is a bit of a problem going forward in life. If you decide to make up a name, and if you have lost that name, then who cares. But when it is your name on the products, and you lose it, that is the game changer.
O, how I faint when I of you do write, Knowing a better spirit doth use your name, And in the praise thereof spends all his might To make me tongue-tied speaking of your fame.
Build a good name. Keep your name clean. Don't make compromises. Don't worry about making a bunch of money or being successful. Be concerned with doing good work and make the right choices and protect your work. And if you can build a good name, eventually, that name will be its own currency.
The time of getting fame for your name on its own is over. Artwork that is only about wanting to be famous will never make you famous. Any fame is a by-product of making something that means something. You don't go to a restaurant and order a meal because you want to have a sh*t.
I've made mistakes. Like, bringing people to your level who don't deserve to be there. They're trying to bite off your so-called fame, make a name off of you. I think I did a lot of that - allowed people to be relevant in my life who really aren't relevant to me at all.
I have heard of your paintings too, well enough; God has given you one face, and you make yourselves another: you jig, you amble, and you lisp, and nick-name God's creatures, and make your wantonness your ignorance. Go to, I'll no more on't; it hath made me mad.
As far as fame, the everlasting fame thing. I used to think that was important for a writer... the desire to make your mark.
Winning a postseason game is like winning five regular season games. There is just no feeling like it. Everything is magnified. Every free throw, turnover, shot and play.
Be sure to incorporate your pooch into your daily activities to make her feel like a true family member. You can do this by signing your dog's name - or her paw print - on birthday cards, by getting 'from our dog to your dog' holiday cards, or by including your dog when asked the number of family members in your household. These small, considerate actions will make you an ideal petowner.
Everybody's going to be clamoring, that's the way you should work your bullpens from now on, but you have to have the appropriate people to do that, and of course during the season it would be much more difficult as opposed to the microcosm of the postseason.
He who is persistent will realize God. So try your best to make meditation a regular experience in your life.
Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.
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