A Quote by Ward Connerly

Freedom is such a precious commodity. Yet sometimes the freest of people devalue it the most. — © Ward Connerly
Freedom is such a precious commodity. Yet sometimes the freest of people devalue it the most.
Freedom is our most precious commodity and if we are not eternally vigilant, government will take it all away. Individual freedom demands individual responsibility.
My most basic credo is: I never said freedom was cheap. And it ain't. Never will be. It's been the highest priced and most precious commodity in my life.
People typically only believe they're in a negotiation when dollars are involved. And maybe sometimes they're smart enough to see if there's a commodity that you can count being exchanged. And, of course, the commodity that we most commonly exchange is money.
In this cash-rich, time-poor culture of ours, the most precious commodity we have is time...volunteering our precious time, is in this brutally self-involved world, the most truly selfless act
Truth is life's most precious commodity.
Authenticity is your most precious commodity as a leader.
Time is love, above all else. It is the most precious commodity in the world and should be lavished on those we care most about.
Men are freest when they are most unconscious of freedom. The shout is a rattling of chains, always was.
I don't have to tell you how fragile this precious gift of freedom is. Every time we hear, watch, or read the news, we are reminded that liberty is a rare commodity in this world.
What I've learned is that the most precious commodity you can have in a relationship is honesty, good or bad.
If you are working or a veteran or a parent, time is often the most precious commodity.
Faith is a most precious commodity, without which we should be very badly off.
Time is your most precious commodity and yet most of us live our lives as if we have all the time in the world.
We hold in our hands, the most precious gift of all: Freedom. The freedom to express our art. Our love. The freedom to be who we want to be. We are not going to give that freedom away and no one shall take it from us!
People think that you're supposed to marry your type well, I didn't marry my type. It's much more practical, and based in a day-to-day existence. So when you have that, and you're happy, and you love her, don't waste time. Because time - and I've learned that at this point in my life - time is my most precious commodity. Nothing is more precious than time. Because when it runs out that's it
People don't know the value of what they have until it is gone: Freedom suppressed and again regained bites with keener fangs than freedom never endangered.... Liberty is rendered even more precious by the recollection of servitude. Don't wait till freedom is gone before you enjoy, value, support, protect and make the most of it!
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