A Quote by Wayne Gerard Trotman

The sad truth about bigotry is that most bigots either don't realize that they are bigots, or they convince themselves that their bigotry is perfectly justified. — © Wayne Gerard Trotman
The sad truth about bigotry is that most bigots either don't realize that they are bigots, or they convince themselves that their bigotry is perfectly justified.
I have said many times that racist and bigots are not welcome in our party... The journalists who don't want to recognize this and keep coming back with questions of bigotry can just take a hike.
Bigots see something they expect and then they stop thinking about what is in front of them. It's probably how they got to be bigots in the first place.
We don't lump people by groups or special interests. And let me add, in the party of Lincoln there is no room for intolerance and not even a small corner for anti-Semitism or bigotry of any kind. Many people are welcome in our house, but not the bigots.
If bigots behave like bigots, it's not a huge surprise.
The term religious cleansing is an accurate and effective way of expressing the current hostility and bigotry toward all civic expressions of religion... these religious cleansers use political and legal means of containment. They are America's new anti-faith bigots.
It is the philosophers, theologians, and evangelists who are said to be filled with pride and bigotry due to the strong convictions that they represent. On the contrary, teachings can be either taken or dismissed; whereas voting is the only thing the average person can do to force everyone to live how they would prefer. A simple vote is among the largest yet most acceptable forms of bigotry, and that is because people play the card only when they feel that in doing so it conveniences themselves.
I know a good many people, I think, who are bigots, and who know they are bigots, and are sorry for it, but they dare not be anything else.
There is, unfortunately, too large a number of people who are just outright bigots in America. They're nowhere near a majority. They're a small number. But there are people who are in the Alt-Right who are just straight up bigots.
There is a bigotry rampant in America, against evangelicals. It is the last respectable bigotry.
There's one form of bigotry that is still acceptable in America - that's the bigotry against the successful.
Religion doesn't make people bigots. People are bigots and they use religion to justify their ideology.
It is not bigotry to be certain we are right; but it is bigotry to be unable to imagine how we might possibly have gone wrong.
I said I reject any form of bigotry, bigotry of all kinds.
The bigotry of the nonbeliever is for me nearly as funny as the bigotry of the believer.
It is nonsense for the Government to allow any loopholes for religious homophobia. Bigotry is bigotry whether it's dressed up in the language of faith or not.
Why do we cling to bigotry? Because bigotry, plainly, is convenient. It is a near-effortless way to both elevate one's stature and make a pity grab in this culture of victims that we have become.
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