A Quote by Wendy Davis

Americans have the right under the Second Amendment to own firearms, and that is not going to change. — © Wendy Davis
Americans have the right under the Second Amendment to own firearms, and that is not going to change.
I respect the second amendment and the right of individuals to own firearms. But I think that we all agree that there are some people who should not be able just to walk in and buy weapons of war.
The most cogent principle that can be drawn from traditional limitations on the right to keep and bear arms is that dangerous persons likely to use firearms for illicit purposes were not understood to be protected by the Second Amendment.
The Second Amendment comes from the right to protect themselves from slave revolts, and from uprisings by Native Americans. A revolt from people who were stolen from their land or revolt from people whose land was stolen from, that's what the genesis of the Second Amendment is.
We are going to appoint justices ­­ this is the best way to help the Second Amendment. We are going to appoint justices that will feel very strongly about the Second Amendment, that will not do damage to the Second Amendment.
Recent school shootings have lured ill-informed Americans into a war on our Second Amendment guarantees, led by the nation's tyrants and their useful idiots. ... The Second Amendment was given to us as protection against tyranny by the federal government and the Congress of the United States.
I'm a lifelong strong supporter of the Second Amendment, and I've owned and used firearms since I was 10 years old.
We need a Supreme Court that in my opinion is going to uphold the Second Amendment, and all amendments, but the Second Amendment, which is under absolute siege.
I own guns because it's my right, it's my Second Amendment right, and no one in Washington gave me that right; it's a natural right confirmed by the very people that founded this nation.
I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and believe that law-abiding Americans have the right to self-defense.
You can have a Second Amendment right, but not a Second Amendment right to an AR-15.
When they took the Fourth Amendment, I was silent because I don't deal drugs. When they took the Sixth Amendment, I kept quiet because I know I'm innocent. When they took the Second Amendment, I said nothing because I don't own a gun. Now they've come for the First Amendment, and I can't say anything at all.
The left looks at the Constitution and sees things that aren't there and then they find 'em. They look at things that are there and claim they're not there. Like the Second Amendment, nah, nah, it's not there, they really didn't intend that. No, no. Abortion. You can't find it, yeah, there it is, plain as day, see, it's right there in the 14th Amendment, the Tenth Amendment, the Ninth Amendment, the Fifth - no, it's not.
I'm a big supporter of the Second Amendment. But I think I have a First Amendment right not to be shot.
If we're going to change the laws, let's change them in ways which makes it easier to catch criminals, and yet at the same time protect the Second Amendment rights of our law-abiding citizens.
Are we going to change the Constitution? I hope never. We would have to amend it. Let's uphold the Second Amendment.
I'm not up for changing the 10th amendment or the 14th amendment, the first amendment or the second amendment.
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