A Quote by Wendy Long

Looking at the history of our country, we have been and we are pro-immigrant, but we aren't going to be much of a country if we don't take care of our own people first and if we don't observe the rule of law.
I would especially like to appeal to my country's media that we should stop looking at everything in India from the prism of Pakistan. India is an independent country. It is a country of 125 crore people. Whenever it approaches any country, it will only be concerned about its own interests. It has been our biggest shortcoming and mistake that we have been tagging ourselves with another country and trying to do things.
Let me tell you, we're still the best country on earth and we're going to take care of our people and we're going to protect this country and the people here.
Every unskilled illegal immigrant who enters the United States for work drives up healthcare costs for every American. And, every illegal immigrant we turn a blind eye toward weakens the rule of law our country is founded on.
I'm going to make our country safe. We're going to have borders in our country, which we don't know. People are pouring into our country and coming in from the Middle East and other places.
I think that my stance on having people come in to this country that we have no idea who they are and in certain cases you will have radical Islamic terrorism. I'm not going to have it in this country. I'm not going to let what happened to France and other places happen here. We have hundreds of thousands of people that have been allowed into our country that should not be here. They shouldn't be here. They have no documentation and they were allowed under the previous administrations, they were allowed into our country. It's a big mistake.
Wil Cardon understands what Arizona needs in Washington. He is committed to getting our economy back on track, upholding our country's rule of law, and looking out for Arizona families.
It's such a shame that we know so little about our own country, that we can't find it in our hearts to love our own kind. Instead we admire those who show our country disrespect and betray its people.
Our country is governed by the rule of law and our procedures are based on law.
Our country was founded on protest. If it was just shut up and honor your country no matter what, we'd still be flying the Union Jack. That's not what our founding fathers did. They didn't like what was going on, and they broke away and formed their own country.
We're bringing the corporate rate down to 20 percent from 35 percent. That's a massive - this will be the biggest tax cut in history. In the history of our country. And that's great. And we need it. Because right now, our country's about the highest taxed or certainly one of the highest taxed in the world. And we can't have that. So we're going to have a country that's toward the lower end.
We need to use the benefit of our law enforcement people across this country, combined with our intelligence people across this country. We need to use our technological advantages, because what we've warned of is an international guerrilla movement that threatens this country.
The first and most important rule to observe...is to use our entire forces with the utmost energy. The second rule is to concentrate our power as much as possible against that section where the chief blows are to be delivered and to incur disadvantages elsewhere, so that our chances of success may increase at the decisive point. The third rule is never to waste time. Finally, the fourth rule is to follow up our successes with the utmost energy. Only pursuit of the beaten enemy gives the fruits of victory.
What America first means is we put the national interests of the United States and the well-being of our own country and our own people first. Our foreign policy, first and foremost, should be focused on the defense of American freedom, security and rights.
I think Obama is right when he talks about the rule of law as a cornerstone of what the United States should stand for. That can encompass our elected officials' adherence to law and our country's return to the Geneva Conventions.
In recent years, the choice of drugs on these reservations and throughout my district has been methamphetamines. It has destroyed the rule of law among the reservation people. It is killing our tribal youth in this country.
The Biden Administration is making a mockery of the rule of law and destroying our country, even as we are going through a worldwide pandemic.
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