A Quote by Whitfield Diffie

I have always believed the thesis that one's politics and the character of one's intellectual work are inseparable. — © Whitfield Diffie
I have always believed the thesis that one's politics and the character of one's intellectual work are inseparable.
I really believe in the radical viewpoint. And I have always believed that one's politics and the character of his particular work are inseparable.
One of the goals of philosophy is wage theoretical battle. That is why we can say that every thesis is always, by its very nature, an antithesis. A thesis is only ever put forward in opposition to another thesis, or in defence of a new one.
I think good art has good concept behind it. Nothing can always articulate fully the way a Ph.D. candidate can articulate their thesis, because artists work with a combination of intuition and intellect blended together and out comes whatever they produce. So it's a blend of kind of a sensual response to material and an intellectual response to idea, maybe a blend of the two.
I have always believed in development over votebank politics.
Economics, politics, and personalities are often inseparable.
Politics is not predictions and politics is not observations. Politics is what we do. Politics is what we do, politics is what we create, by what we work for, by what we hope for and what we dare to imagine.
Darwin believed in intellectual progress, but he believed that it would come smoothly and harmoniously and happily and it would eventually cover the whole world.
The character of human life, like the character of the human condition, like the character of all life, is "ambiguity": the inseparable mixture of good and evil, the true and false, the creative and destructive forces-both individual and social.
I have always believed the iron rule of politics was that women don't vote for men who yell.
I suppose I've always carried what is regarded as a bit of unnecessary baggage in Britain. I've always carried the charge that I am an intellectual in politics.
I was elected because I believed in what we call "grassroots politics," politics from the bottom up, not the top down.
In my thesis, I made an intellectual exercise out of creating a pair of buildings that were a repeat but slightly different - dissonant things make me uncomfortable.
Each character requires different language, and these issues become inseparable. You have all these balls in the air: language, character, narrative. For me, the primary focus must be words, sentences, paragraphs.
We never believe in divisive politics; we always work for an inclusive politics.
They believed you can't mix rock, country, and rap, and that crossover is dead. I always knew it would work. And it will always work as long as you're really into it and like what you're doing.
I have always believed that if you want to achieve anything special in life you have to work, work, and then work some more.
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