A Quote by Whitney Tilson

If you look at the history of technology gadget makers, hardware makers, it's littered with the corpses of Palm and RIM and companies like that. — © Whitney Tilson
If you look at the history of technology gadget makers, hardware makers, it's littered with the corpses of Palm and RIM and companies like that.
World makers, social network makers, ask one question first: 'How can I do it?'
If African film makers had one-tenth the amount commanded by film makers the world over - even the amount used by so-called shoestring film makers - I think we would see quite an explosion of African films on the world scene.
China is attempting the death-defying feat, which no one has attempted in the history of the world, which is to move a billion people out of poverty. When I speak to Chinese policy-makers, the thing that annoys them the most about Western policy-makers is that they're not given any credit for anything.
Photographs are of course about their makers, and are to be read for what they disclose in that regard no less than for what they reveal of the world as their makers comprehend, invent, and describe it.
In the 1970s, a lot of critics didn't understand video. I got a lot of bad reviews. But film-makers didn't understand what we were doing, either. There were actual fistfights between film-makers and video-makers. I was witness to one.
The history of ideas is littered with the corpses of those who have tried to define culture.
Film-makers in Belgium are seen as arts and crafts makers. It is a small country. There is not really a film industry there at all.
Women are never again going to be mindless coffee-makers or mindless policy-makers in politics.
The world is littered with corpses that predicted technology in a particular arena was done. If there's another gigantic step change out there, we don't yet know what it is.
One time I introduced my orchestra as the Shampoo Music Makers instead of the Champagne Music Makers.
Camera companies, like traditional phone manufacturers, dismissed the iPhone as a toy when it launched in 2007. Nokia thought that the iPhone used inferior technology; the camera makers thought that it took lousy pictures. Neither thought that they had anything to worry about.
Your innovation can create new winners and losers; or at the very least, make existing companies look fresh and innovative by partnering with you. Everyone wants to align with market makers.
Either the day must come when joy prevails and all the makers of misery are no longer able to infect it, or else, for ever and ever, the makers of misery can destroy in others the happiness they reject for themselves.
Today's merger makers are not ad people; they're building communications companies.
[The Fuhrer] is one of those lonely men of the ages on whom history is not tested, but who themselves are the makers of history.
I'm excited about what technology is offering storytellers and movie- and TV-makers.
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