A Quote by Whoopi Goldberg

Things happen to you out of luck, and if you get to stick around it's because you're talented. — © Whoopi Goldberg
Things happen to you out of luck, and if you get to stick around it's because you're talented.
Rule number one: Always stick around for one more drink. That's when things happen. That's when you find out everything you want to know.
You've got to be in a position for luck to happen. Luck doesn't go around looking for a stumblebum.
Definitely stick with a program for more than a week or too. You've got to ride the program out - a lot of people like to hop around on things, but to get a real good base you've got to stick to a good strength program.
Get out of bed, go to school, stick at school. Make it happen for yourself because those opportunities are waiting.
I believe you make your own luck. My motto is ‘It’s always a mistake not to go.’ So I jump on the airplane, try new things—sometimes I get in way over my head, but then I think, I’ll work my way out of this somehow. A big part of making your own luck is just charging out of the gate every morning…The thing I love about living in New York is that I never fail to get up in the morning and think, Something adventurous is going to happen today. The energy is operating at full throttle all the time. And if you want to be lucky you’ve got to go out and take advantage of it.
When I get hurt in the market, I get the hell out. It doesn't matter at all where the market is trading. I just get out, because I believe that once you're hurt in the market, your decisions are going to be far less objective than they are when you're doing well If you stick around when the market is severely against you, sooner or later they are going to carry you out.
Life is full of luck, like getting dealt a good hand, or simply by being in the right place at the right time. Some people get luck handed to them, a second chance, a save. It can happen heroically, or by a simple coincidence , but there are those who don’t get luck on a shiny platter, who end up in the wrong place at the wrong time, who don’t get saved.
Things worthwhile generally don’t just happen. Luck is a fact, but should not be a factor. Good luck is what is left over after intelligence and effort have combined at their best. Negligence or indifference are usually reviewed from an unlucky seat. The law of cause and effect and causality both work the same with inexorable exactitudes. Luck is the residue of design.
If things work out for you as a team, then there are individual things that happen for you. But if you're not talented enough as a team, its hard for people to give you the recognition.
I know I've been lucky. But it's what you do with that luck afterwards that really defines whether you stick around.
Now what kind of an attitude is that, 'These things happen?' They only happen because this whole country is just full of people who, when these things happen, they just say, 'These things happen,' and that's why they happen! We gotta have control of what happens to us.
Luck is one thing. It has always been there, it has always been a part of my success. It's a part of everyone's success. Without it, you can't be successful. But luck is something you have to stimulate, something you have to nurture through the choices you make...That's why things have always worked out for me. Things work out not just because I'm lucky, but because I plan ahead. I figure out what I want and I go for it. I've always spent a lot of time trying to surround myself with the right people, the kinds of teammates who could lead me to my goals.
I know people who are really talented at writing, and they just don't ever make it happen because they're also good at other things.
A lot of luck, and being prepared when the opportunity came. There are talented individuals out there who didn't get the break that I got. Or when the break came, they weren't ready for it.
Luck is in every part of China. Many Chinese stores and restaurants have the word 'luck' in their names. The idea is that, just by using the word 'luck' in names of things, you can attract more of it. I think that's true in my life as well. You attract luck because you go after it.
I think there's pressure when you're a pastor that you have to have all the answers, and if you don't, your faith is built on sand. For me, faith is about believing in those things you can't see and at times can't understand. I've been really blessed to have people who are open to that and stick around. Not everyone does stick around, though.
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