A Quote by Will Forte

Anybody can have any opinion they want to, as long as it's an informed opinion. — © Will Forte
Anybody can have any opinion they want to, as long as it's an informed opinion.
They're calling their Washington sources at the NRC or in Congress and they're not hesitating to give their opinion, but their opinion, frankly, in those early days was not very well informed.
I can't tell you how many meetings I open up with, 'My voice is last.' I don't want anybody to hear my opinion before I hear everybody else's opinion.
Common is one of the nicest people I've ever met, and to describe him as a vile rapper because he has an opinion... just says a lot about the state of America. You are allowed to have an opinion in the United States - he's never harmed anybody, he just has an opinion about a president that wasn't good for our country.
We don't think that we are in a quarrel with anybody. We may have a difference of opinion, but we'll not allow such differences of opinion to grow into a problem that stands in the way of reconstructing the country and regaining the democratic path.
We dont think that we are in a quarrel with anybody. We may have a difference of opinion, but well not allow such differences of opinion to grow into a problem that stands in the way of reconstructing the country and regaining the democratic path.
You find very few critics who approach their job with a combination of information and enthusiasm and humility that makes for a good critic. But there is nothing wrong with critics as long as people don't pay any attention to them. I mean, nobody wants to put them out of a job and a good critic is not necessarily a dead critic. It's just that people take what a critic says as a fact rather than an opinion, and you have to know whether the opinion of the critic is informed or uninformed, intelligent of stupid -- but most people don't take the trouble.
The only thing that matters in life is your own opinion about yourself, nobody can destroy your dignity then, because it is not dependent on anybody's opinion.
Every man speaks of public opinion, and means by public opinion, public opinion minus his opinion.
Public opinion is the last refuge of a politician without any opinion.
It just seems like right now we’re in a place where people are being witch-hunted for expressing an opinion. Even if it’s a lousy opinion or a shitty opinion, and comics I don’t think can ever fall into the trap of any groups that want to censor what a person says or thinks or punish a person for expressing what they think. Anything you say about a social issue is going to offend half the country. I don’t care how nicely you say it, I don’t care how well you construct the joke, simply by stating the opinion, you are for something and anti something else.
It warms my heart to know that people respect my opinion enough to want my input, to want my opinion on their their work and I try to give the benefit of my experience.
Respect for another man's opinion is worthy. It is the realization that any opinion is valuable, for it is the sign of a rational being.
If you want to get each individual's honest opinion, you don't want that opinion to be influenced by others who are present, much less allow a group to coordinate what they are going to say.
If somebody asks for my opinion, I tell them my opinion, whether it's what they want to hear or not.
You don't want someone who can't tell the difference between having a different opinion and dismissing your opinion.
I don't want to be one of these filmmakers that hit you over the head with my agenda or my opinion. I just want to take you down the 50-yard line and let you form your own opinion of what this controversy is about.
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