A Quote by Will Packer

When people have options for what they want to see, it forces the quality of programming and content to be higher. — © Will Packer
When people have options for what they want to see, it forces the quality of programming and content to be higher.
One other specific piece of guidance we've offered is that low-quality content on some parts of a website can impact the whole site’s rankings, and thus removing low quality pages, merging or improving the content of individual shallow pages into more useful pages, or moving low quality pages to a different domain could eventually help the rankings of your higher-quality content.
People are hypocrites. If you ask them what they want to see on TV, they'll tell you they want better quality programming. And then what do they watch? 'Gilligan's Island.'
What I want is for people to be treated better, to be paid better, and when you start doing something simple , it forces your price point up, which means that you have to produce a higher quality product in order to justify that.
Access to high quality video content -- essentially TV programming -- has never been better than today
You don't want everyone to see a piece of content. You want the people who are really excited about the content to see it.
There aren't enough people in the media creation space. There aren't enough people making premium quality programming. That's how we change the narrative. Because there is a lot of bad African programming out there, and it is not helping matters.
Authors and publishers want fair compensation and a means of protecting content through digital rights management. Vendors and technology companies want new markets for e-book reading devices and other hardware. End-users most of all want a wide range and generous amount of high-quality content for free or at reasonable costs. Like end-users, libraries want quality, quantity, economy, and variety as well as flexible business models.
I think the American people want to see what we want to see, and that is for the Iraqi people to have a free, open, fair election, for their forces to be built up, for our reconstruction money to be used well, and for Iraqi security forces to take over so we can start bringing our troops home.
People are making a lot of music and higher and higher quality. I can't say the same thing for how people are listening to music. People are hearing music through terrible speakers, little computer speakers, there's a lot to get back to in terms of hi-fi and people listening to better quality, technically better quality music.
I just feel like content is content; people want to see it resonate.
In Hollywood, story content of movies follows a hierarchy of power, not the relative quality of various ideas. Hollywood does not lack for quality writing. It's just that quality writing commonly has to be sacrificed in order to propel a film into production. A studio needs a star and a director to make a film, so those are the folk who'll define the content. If they don't have the same creative sensibilities, then the content will change.
Museums are important. Design and art schools are important because they show how it should be done at the highest level of quality. Once people are exposed to quality, they recognize it right away and they appreciate it. People's tastes are changed by exposure to quality. Unless they can see it they can't want it. That's the brilliance of Apple - they provide quality in design.
I think USA has a great handle on programming and content. They know their viewers and they know what works... Character driven programming!
We negotiated with the Honduran government the establishment of a regional military training center, for training central American forces, but the primary motivation for doing that was to be able to bolster the quality, improve the quality of the El Salvadoran fighting forces.
People love fast. When you're fast people think you're smart, think your products are of higher quality, think your management is of higher quality, think that you're worth more and they're willing to pay more money for it. So, I'm really big into speed.
What I do is provide a quality product with a quality taste, that's sustainable, and present it with a proper price structure so when people see it on the shelves, they will want to try it.
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