A Quote by Will Rogers

There are men running governments who shouldn't be allowed to play with matches. — © Will Rogers
There are men running governments who shouldn't be allowed to play with matches.
Governments, like clocks, go from the motion men give them, and as governments are made and moved by men, so by them they are ruined too. Wherefore governments rather depend upon men, than men upon governments. Let men be good, and the government cannot be bad; if it be ill, they will cure it. But if men be bad, let the government be never so good, they will endeavour to warp and spoil it to their turn.
A lot of people have a different perspective on this but my personal view is that while things have become more professional with we being centrally contracted, we don't play as regularly as the men do. The number of matches we play is too less as compared to men.
Men are allowed to age. Men are allowed to gain weight. Men are allowed to be quirky looking.
These kids today, they want to be men, they want to be foxhole guys, but they’re not being allowed to do that. Imagine if these computer geeks who are running baseball now were allowed to run a war? They’d be telling our soldiers: ‘That’s enough. You’ve fired too many bullets from your rifle this week!’
When I was a kid, my first dream was to play Test matches, and the second one was to play 100 Test matches because there are very few people who have played 100 Tests for India.
You work throughout the week to be prepared for the matches you're called upon to play. If you train badly you go into the matches with doubts.
I'm amazed people talk about my helmet - saying it makes me feel psychologically better. I would love to play without it, but I'm not allowed to by the doctor. As long as I'm told by the doctor I'm running too much risk to play without it, I'll play with it. There's no other way for me.
"Eight Days of Luke" was refused by another confused publisher on the grounds that children shouldn't strike matches. When my agent pointed out that David in the book was twelve years old, the publisher said that he was striking matches to summon the devil, then, and this couldn't be allowed.
Bitcoin is getting there. But it’s not there yet. When it gets there, expect governments to panic and society to be reshaped into something where governments cannot rely on taxing income nor wealth for running their operations.
I have always felt that perhaps women have sometimes almost embraced the same values as men, and the same character as men, because they are in the men's world, and they are trying to fit into a system that men have created. And maybe in truth when there is a critical mass of women who play that role in governments, then we will see whether women can really manage power in a way that is less destructive than the way that men have used power.
Those big matches, when you go through so much, are the best thing. Those matches are why you play tennis.
I got told I wasn't allowed to go on loan, which was a good thing but, at the same time, I just wanted to play matches. So do I annoy the manager and try to push for a loan or was I just to keep working hard and trust him?
The only way to get back the confidence is to play and win matches. You can practise as much as you like, but you need confidence that comes from playing and winning matches.
During the time I didn't play for England, they were losing Test matches, and the Yorkshire committee were telling me that I should be batting for my country. Then, when I decided to make myself available to play for England again in 1977, and Yorkshire lost a couple of matches in my absence, they criticised me for not being there.
Democracy shows not only its power in reforming governments, but in regenerating a race of men and this is the greatest blessing of free governments.
I love the multi-format series. Within it they've found a way to retain Test matches and England v Australia in the Test arena, they were always my favourite matches to play in.
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