A Quote by Will Smith

I just think that the gifts that God has given me and the attention that I have, I just don't feel like acting is the limit of it. I just feel like there's so much more that I could do...And, you know, every day I wake up and I try to do a little more and I just want the world to be different and better because I was here.
I get burned out on standup. But I like acting. I do like it. But sometimes you just feel like a monkey. You just feel like a complete tool. But I like it. I do like it. Stand-up is just more free. A lot more freedom because you just do what you want to do.
I know my age is a little older and some people might say, 'hey this guy's an old guy'. But I'm learning every day. I don't feel like an old guy. I feel like I'm young. I feel like I'm in there just learning so much stuff. I'm just doing a whole lot more different things than I was before.
I'm just kind of sick of music. I don't know what I want to do. It's not that I feel suicidal or anything, but I just want to end this life. I just want to be somebody else now. Sometimes I feel like that. You always think, "If I just cut my hair really short and dye it brown and put on a little goatee, no one would know it was me, and I could..."
Some writers are writing one great, big book and just taking all these different avenues towards it. They might seem on the outside to be different, but they're really not. And that's a different kind of mindset. I don't know why it is, but I just feel like I really want to escape myself as much as I can - myself as the artist, or as the writer, or as the thinker - with each new project, because one, it's just boredom, but also, I guess I just feel most comfortable starting a new book if I just feel a little in the dark about it.
Just every day try to be a leader, try to get better and to help my team win. I just want to be more vocal, like talk more so my teammates can know I got their back.
I was definitely scared of fashion growing up just because I didn't want people to think I was gay. But now that I'm out, I feel like it's such a personal journey for me that I'm going on every single day where I feel more and more confident and comfortable to wear the clothes that I want to wear, and to have the interest that I have, and to paint my nails if I want to.
As much as I try to be present, it just doesn't really feel like reality. It feels like a fleeting thing. There's a million other incredibly wonderful girls that are much more talented than me that are out there all the time. So I'm just trying to appreciate it for what it is. But I don't want it to take on that feeling of pressure, because I don't know where that's gonna get me.
I really do love doing stand-up, and I don't see why it should affect the acting. And I just want more interesting jobs. I just want to keep doing stuff that's different, rather than saying, "Okay, I've become known for this, and I'll just do this from now on." If I feel like I've done this one thing, I never want to do it again. I want to do something totally different.
How does it feel? Really, I don't know because I never try to feel more or less than any player in Leverkusen or Mexico. I don't feel like I'm more famous than other players; I'm just one more footballer who wants to achieve their dreams and to try to help their team as much as they can to do that.
I could have a one-night stand, and I'm the kind of girl who looks over in the morning and is like, Do you really have to be here? I don't need to cuddle and do all that stuff because I know what it is and I don't try to make it more. I feel like a lot of women try to make it into more, so they don't feel so bad about just wanting to have sex.
It's not work, it is more of a passion. It is so much fun and it is really makes you feel great at the end of the day. You feel like you are really after doing something good and you are after accomplishing something. Acting is one of these things that I can't really describe - it's just like, why do you love your mum and dad? You know, you just do.
I need to find avenues to express all of my creativity. There's always polarizing forces. Sometimes I feel like my work is going in different directions, but hopefully it's just expanding. And I think as much as possible to just let ourselves be in all the various aspects. I feel more inspired by people who just will let themselves be as creators, and I don't think it has to be contradictory.
I think I've always been ambitious. It just looks different on me. You know, I have friends who are actresses who go to every party they possibly can to be photographed and really try to make every connection they can, and I admire that and sometimes I wish I had a little bit more of that. Sometimes I feel like I don't have enough ambition.
You just wake up every single day with a clear mind and basically just have fun and be positive, because God knows what could happen, you know?
I always try to see it in positive way, like, you know what, the people that are expecting so much about of me know I can do it and believe in me. So I just kind of think about it like that. And it makes me feel a little better.
I just stay healthy all year round. I try to feel good in my skin. For me, I have trained in ballet my whole life so my body really feels best when I feel strong and tight and toned, and I think that comes from years and years of constant training as a ballerina. Leading up to the show, getting out there in your underwear, you just want to feel your best mainly in your head than more anything else. Obviously you want to feel good physically too, so it's more just in your head, pushing yourself, approaching this challenge and taking the opportunity to push yourself a little further.
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