A Quote by Will Smith

When I say I am going to run three miles, I run five. With that mentality, it is actually difficult to lose. — © Will Smith
When I say I am going to run three miles, I run five. With that mentality, it is actually difficult to lose.
You can't rush the miles. No matter how fast I run, the five miles isn't going to be done in the first five minutes.
I wake up at 7 A. M. every day and try to run at 8 A. M. I run four times a week and I run about three miles typically, so I try to do it first on a Monday.
I run five miles three times a week; I log everything. I look up routes when I travel.
The minimum I run each day is 2 1/2 miles. I'll get to the weekend, and sometimes I'll run 10 miles. I've gotten up to 16 miles on the weekend. Running keeps me locked in.
Even though I retired, I work out four to five days a week, run two to three miles, I play ball.
If we're going to run for points we need to run in the top-five every week.
I run about four to five miles, three days a week. I have four young children, so pretty much the only time I can get away is real early in the morning.
Yeah, I finished, it was hard. Those last five miles. It was like giving birth and then being told to run as you're giving birth. It was so much pain in my hips. I don't know if women are meant to run, especially after having kids.
At 14, I was the most disciplined guy around. I would get up at 5 o'clock in the morning and run five miles, and then go to school. Sometimes I would run behind the school bus, and the kids thought I was just crazy. I knew what I wanted.
Eventually, I developed compartment syndrome in my calf and had to get surgery. I run three to five days a week now, mixed in with walking and other things. I want to run just because I enjoy it.
I'm pretty addicted to it, so whether I'm home or on vacation, I need to run five days a week. It doesn't matter what the weather is, what the terrain is, where I am. I always need to get my miles in.
I run at least five miles a day, just long distance.
Why run? I run because I am an animal. I run because it is part of my genetic wiring. I run because millions of years of evolution have left me programmed to run. And finally, I run because there’s no better way to see the sun rise and set... What the years have shown me is that running clarifies the thinking process as well as purifies the body. I think best - most broadly and most fully - when I am running.
If I can show that a woman can run 26 miles, and run it well -- stride for stride with the men -- that is going to throw all the rest of the prejudices and all the misconceptions and all of the so-called reasons for keeping women down that have existed for the past how many centuries? Centuries of this stuff! And so I sort of chuckled to myself and thought, 'Oh, this is going to be fun! I'm going to turn the whole thing on its head.'
Bostonians vs. Chicagoans, they have different sensibilities, and I can only say this because I consider myself a Bostonian. You know, the Puritanical roots in Boston - the 'sky is falling' mentality a little bit. We could be on a great run, and we'd lose one game, and everyone's panicking.
I run 50-70 miles a week and lift five or six days. It's my time.
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