A Quote by Willa Holland

Everybody has that little side of them they never really get to get out. — © Willa Holland
Everybody has that little side of them they never really get to get out.
It's so much fun to play the bad girl. Everybody has that little side of them they never really get to get out.
To a certain extent everybody has a certain sort of way of being a persona that they learn how to be when they're really little. They figure out that if they're really funny, or really pretty, or if they work really, really hard or are really smart, then that's what's going to get them by. That is what is going to make people like them.
Everybody Out There....Dont take ANYBODY for granted.Cause you never know when you might lose them,and you may never get the chance to tell them how you really feel
For people who have been following me for a long time, I really hope that they can get to know me a little better, maybe get to know the softer, squishy, emotional side of me, because I usually put up a weird side, so it'll be cool to be able to open up in that way to them.
Throughout the course [of Twilight], you get to see a little more of her vampiric side, because I think she's this vampire with a heart of gold and so that was kind of fun - to show her be a little tough and a little fierce, and to show that she has a little bit of a sassy side when she's dealing with the wolves or with Jacob. So I feel like I got to really round [Alice Cullen] out quite nicely.
When you've got four people to get dressed to get out the door, you don't really tend to spend a lot of time on yourself. But that's the way I roll anyway. I was never one to do my hair and make-up just to go down to the market, so it's really not that much different. If I get a little eye cream on, I feel like I'm ahead of myself.
If you're a guy, you should get girls flowers all the time. They never get old and you can never get them enough. I'm never disappointed when I get flowers. I always thought guys who don't buy women flowers are such fools. All it takes is one. A little goes a long way with flowers.
I never really thought that I was going to get out of coaching ever. In my fifth year, I thought I might get out. You have those thoughts in any job. But I never really, really thought I was going to get out.
When you've got four people to get dressed to get out the door you don't really spend a lot of time on yourself. But that's the way I roll anyway. I was never one to do my hair and make-up just to go to the market, so it's not that much different. If I get a little eye cream on, I feel I'm ahead of myself.
Everybody over there, get on up. Everybody out there, get into it. Everybody right there, get involved.
Me personally, I think that when I take my time with something, it comes out a lot better, because I can really, really get my point across, and if I see that like, this might be a little too deep, I figure out a way to dumb it down so that everybody can understand where I'm going.
I hung out with a lot of the riders to get their attitude and they're all like men. Men among boys. They have a certain calm to them which is really impressive. They go out there and they're racing 80 miles per hour, or jumping 60 foot jumps, I think they get all their adrenaline out. So during the day, they're just quiet, aloof and stoic superheroes kinda, you know what I mean? They're very, very respectful. It's a very family oriented sport. Everybody knows everybody so there's a lot of respect and understanding.
I think festivals are way more easygoing than back-to-back tours are. 'Cause for me, when you get to go to a festival, you get to hang out all day, and you're really taken care of, and there's usually a little artist village where all the artists have their own tents, and it's catered, and then you go and play an hour-long set depending on where you are on the lineup. And then you go back and you hang out and you even get to go watch other artists play. So it's really just a fun interactive experience for everybody.
Really, if you get to know pigs, they're very moody. They're not sweet little animals at all. That's what I like about them. They get depressed; they get into these snits. They're carnivorous.
I've never seen novels as built things. I have a tendency to see them as found things so that I always feel a little bit like an archaeologist who's working to get some fragile fossil out of the ground. And the more you get out unbroken, the better you succeed.
Everybody's fast and strong, but to go out there and throw pass-rush moves or be able to do something different on the run to get them off balance. Anybody can run into somebody, but if you can shake them a little bit at the line, that's what's helped me out as a player.
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