A Quote by William Cranch Bond

The bashful beggar has an empty purse. — © William Cranch Bond
The bashful beggar has an empty purse.

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Your friends today attach themselves not to you but to your purse or to some advantage they can gain through your father's kindness. When your purse is empty or when your father is no longer in power, they bid you good-bye.
She gets to school late. Bashful gives her a tardy, and won't reconsider. Janie always hated Bashful. Stupidest. Dwarf. Ever.
A Chihuahua. They're good. If you lose one, just empty out your purse.
The man whose purse is empty can cheerfully sing before the robber.
I wish my deadly foe no worse Than want of friends, and empty purse.
I wish my deadly foe, no worse than want of friends, and empty purse.
My name is Marc, my emotional life is sensitive and my purse is empty, but they say I have talent.
A well dressed woman, even though her purse is painfully empty, can conquer the world.
I know not which I love the most, Nor which the comeliest shows, The timid, bashful violet Or the royal-hearted rose: The pansy in purple dress, The pink with cheek of red, Or the faint, fair heliotrope, who hangs, Like a bashful maid her head.
In luck or out the toil has left its mark: That old perplexity an empty purse, Or the day's vanity, the night's remorse.
Evangelism is just one beggar telling another beggar where to find the bread.
A beggar always remains a beggar. Africa, stop begging - you have what it takes to solve your problem.
That knave preserves the pearl in his purse who considers all people purse-cuts.
It is not poverty so much as pretense that harasses a ruined man - the struggle between a proud mind and an empty purse - the keeping up of a hollow show that must soon come to an end.
Let's talk about a decision that women have to make every morning- Big purse or little purse?
If it were a rainy day, a drunken vigil, a fit of the spleen, a course of physic, sleepy Sunday, an ill run at dice, a long tailor's bill, a beggar's purse, a factious head, a hot sun, costive diet, want of books, and a just contempt for learning - but for these. . .the number of authors and of writing would dwindle away to a degree most woeful to behold.
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