A Quote by William Faulkner

Just when do men that have different blood in them stop hating one another? — © William Faulkner
Just when do men that have different blood in them stop hating one another?
We don't stop loving people just because we hate them, but we don't stop hating them either.
If I have one wish which is greater than another, it is, if I had the power, to make men do right; to make them stop their swearing, their lying, their deceiving, to stop trying to injure the innocent, and begin to be honest and upright in all their dealings with one another and honor the name of the Deity.
When you really know somebody you can’t hate them. Or maybe it’s just that you can’t really know them until you stop hating them.
That period afterwards, just hating being the winner of the Tour de France, hating cycling, hating the media for asking me questions about Lance Armstrong.
Women must understand that simply attacking or hating men is just another form of disempowerment. A woman has to realize that when she makes a man crawl it doesn't give her power.
Part of the job involves thinking about things and eliminating them. You spend a lot of time coming up with ideas that are terrible and hating them and hating yourself.
Help cause that's what God wants. Stop hating. Start loving one another. Start making a difference. Small or big.
There's only one thing that will make them stop hating you. And that's being so good at what you do that they can't ignore you
If we are going to teach the world to stop hating the different, the other, then we’re going to have to start with children.
Men fed upon carnage, and drinking strong drinks, have all an impoisoned and acrid blood which drives them mad in a hundred different ways.
Be worried when the haters stop hating and the critics stop criticizing.
Stop trying to be men. Let's be women. And let's let men be men. Let's empower them to be men, because I fell like they're falling away.
You are done for - a living dead man - not when you stop loving but stop hating. Hatred preserves: in it, in its chemistry, resides the mystery of life.
Ambition, like love, can abide no lingering; and ever urgeth on his own successes, hating nothing but what may stop them.
It is alleged by men of loose principles, or defective views of the subject, that religion and morality are not necessary or important qualifications for political stations. But the Scriptures teach a different doctrine. They direct that rulers should be men who rule in the fear of God, able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness. But if we had no divine instruction on the subject, our own interest would demand of us a strict observance of the principle of these injunctions. . . .
I'd really started hating music. I'd started hating all the songs, hating being in the industry, hating doing the shows. So I had to learn to love music again if I wanted to continue doing this.
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