A Quote by William Hague

Egypt is a sovereign nation. — © William Hague
Egypt is a sovereign nation.
The U.S. is a sovereign nation, and if the U.S. decides to build a wall on the southern border, it's their sovereign decision. We may like it or not.
We are a nation founded as a rebuke to tyranny. A nation of revolutionaries who refused sovereign reign from afar. Hear me - we're a nation that says give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. A nation built on our differences, guided by the belief that we're all created equal.
All is made clear,regarding Abraham and Sarah's traversal into Egypt, when we realize what biblicists meant by the term "Egypt." As Ralph Ellis so brilliantly points out, the name Egypt was employed by the composers of the Old Testament to denote Thebes in Lower Egypt. This was the city and region controlled by the adversaries of the Hyksos. It was considered a separate region, with different rulers, gods, customs, and politics. So, it was not the country of Egypt that Abraham visited, but Thebes within Egypt.
It's time for ordinary Americans to come out of the shadows and remind Washington every day in words and actions that we are a sovereign nation, not a sanctuary nation.
The patriarchy is alive and well in Egypt and the wider Arab world. Just because we got rid of the father of the nation in Egypt or Tunisia, Mubarak or Ben Ali, and in a number of other countries, does not mean that the father of the family does not still hold sway.
American official policy is that Egypt is an ally of the United States. Of course, we recognize that Egypt has gone through a dramatic change in government. And what their status will be going forward in terms of the relationship with our nation is something which which I'm sure will be developing over time.
Egypt is the most populous Arab nation, the seat of Sunni Islamic doctrine, and has tremendous political, religious and social influence on the rest of the region. For better or worse, it will lead the rest of the Middle East by example. So goes Egypt, so goes the region.
They are not rules prescribed by the sovereign to the subject, but agreements between sovereign and sovereign.
We will save our sovereign rights as a nation.
We are not a nation, but a union, a confederacy of equal and sovereign states.
The very heart of being a sovereign nation is providing security of one's borders, of one's internal situation, and security against anyone attacking one's nation. That is the very heart of what I believe is sovereignty.
Border security is the most basic and necessary responsibility of a sovereign nation.
I have always thought that Israel, as an independent and sovereign nation, had a right to defend itself.
Missile strikes - or any other such action - against a sovereign nation is an act of war.
Arab nation, Egypt, is not mentioned [in the Muslim Ban]? This is where facts are optional for the liberal media.
The black nation of Egypt is the only country that has a science named after its culture: Egyptology
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