A Quote by William Henry Harrison

Conscience, that vicegerent of God in the human heart, whose "still small voice" the loudest revelry cannot drown. — © William Henry Harrison
Conscience, that vicegerent of God in the human heart, whose "still small voice" the loudest revelry cannot drown.
For me the Voice of God, of Conscience, of Truth or the Inner Voice or the still small Voice mean one and the same thing.
The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered by the still small voice of conscience.
Affliction is able to drown out every earthly voice. . . but the voice of eternity within a person it cannot drown.
Do not let the loud utterances of your own wills anticipate, nor drown, the still, small voice in which God speaks. Bridle impatience till He does. If you cannot hear His whisper, wait till you do. Take care of running before you are sent. Keep your wills in equipoise till God's hand gives the impulse and direction.
The Laws of Nature are the Laws of God, Whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to Him from whose punishment they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict His laws, we are in conscience bound to disobey.
Healing of the world's woes will not come through this or that social or political theory; not through violent changes in government, but in the still small voice that speaks to the conscience and the heart.
Whenever conscience speaks with a divided, uncertain, and disputed voice, it is not the voice of God. Descend still deeper into yourself, until you hear nothing but a clear, undivided voice, a voice which does away with doubt and brings with it persuasion, light, and serenity.
Yet still there whispers the small voice within, Heard through Gain's silence, and o'er Glory's din; Whatever creed be taught or land be trod, Man's conscience is the oracle of God.
A conscience is that still small voice that people won't listen to.
Conscience: A small, still voice that makes minority reports.
Conscience is that still, small voice that is sometimes too loud for comfort.
As all of us are only too aware, the loud and frantic voices of the outer world easily drown out the small, still loving voice within.
Only after all the noise has spent itself do we begin to hear in the silence of our heart, the still, small, mighty voice of God.
The belief in authority is the source of conscience; which is therefore not the voice of God in the heart of man, but the voice of some men in man.
All policies should be guided by science, not just whose voice is the loudest.
As the flowers follow the sun, and silently hold up their petals to be tinted and enlarged by its shining, so must we, if we would know the joy of God, hold our souls, wills, hearts, and minds, still before Him, whose voice commands, whose love warns, whose truth makes fair our whole being. God speaks for the most part in such silence only. If the soul be full of tumult and jangling voices, His voice is little likely to be heard.
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