A Quote by William Shakespeare

The hand that hath made you fair hath made you good. — © William Shakespeare
The hand that hath made you fair hath made you good.
The hand that hath made you fair hath made you good. Pity is the virtue of the law, and none but tyrants use it cruelly.
That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold; What hath quenched them hath given me fire.
Those whom reason hath equalled, force hath made supreme
The swifter hand doth the swift words outrun: Before the tongue hath spoke the hand hath done.
He that hath a trade hath an estate; and he that hath a calling hath a place of profit and honor. A ploughman on his legs is higher than a gentleman on his knees.
What lovely things Thy hand hath made.
Pursue not a victory too far. He hath conquered well that hath made his enemy fly; thou mayest beat him to a desperate resistance, which may ruin thee.
Two loves have made two different cities: self-love hath made a terrestrial city, which rises in contempt of God; and Divine Love hath made a celestial one, which rises in contempt of self. The former glories in itself - the latter in God.
All things do go a-courting, In earth, or sea, or air, God hath made nothing single But thee in His world so fair.
If God hath made this world so fair, Where sin and death abound, How beautiful beyond compare Will paradise be found!
We may have many acquaintances, but we can have but few friends; this made Aristotle say that he that hath many friends hath none.
I tell you again, God hath not ordinarily decreed the end without the means; and if you will neglect the means of salvation, it is a certain mark that God hath not decreed you to salvation. But you shall find that He hath left you no excuse, because He hath not thus predestined you.
By the cross we, too, are crucified with Christ; but alive in Christ. We are no more rebels, but servants; no more servants, but sons! "Let it be counted folly," says Hooker, "or fury, or frenzy, or whatever else; it is our wisdom and our comfort. We care for no knowledge in the world but this, that man hath sinned, and that God hath suffered; that God has made Himself the Son of Man, and that men are made the righteousness of God."
Affliction is a treasure, and scarce any man hath enough of it. No man hath affliction enough that is not matured and ripened by it and made fit for God.
The Lord shall have made his American Israel high above all nations which he hath made.
He who made all men hath made the truths necessary to human happiness obvious to all. Our forefathers opened the Bible to all.
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