A Quote by William Shakespeare

He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous. — © William Shakespeare
He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous.
Let me have men about me that are fat, Sleek-headed-men, and such as sleep o'nights; Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; he thinks too much; such men are dangerous.
Let me have men about me that are fat... Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look. He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.
An egotist is not a man who thinks too much of himself; he is a man who thinks too little of other people.
A person who thinks too much only ever thinks about his thoughts
Chandler's the guy everybody thinks will do well with women, but he thinks too much and says the wrong thing.
One man thinks before he acts. Another man thinks after he acts. Each is of the opinon that the other thinks too much.
We live in an age that reads too much to be wise, and that thinks too much to be beautiful.
I think what's dangerous is 24 hours a day, 335 channels, or whatever the hell there is. Too much is too much.
Only to often on meeting scientific men, even those of genuine distiction, one finds that they are dull fellows and very stupid. They know one thing to excess; they know nothing else. Pursuing facts too doggedly and unimaginatively, they miss all the charming things that are not facts. ... Too much learning, like too little learning, is an unpleasant and dangerous thing.
A third myth is that men think that women like guys who are dangerous. As a result, guys will often smoke cigarettes, drink too much, and ride a motorcycle without a helmet. The reality? Women don't like guys who are dangerous. Women want us to think that because women are trying to kill us.
I say too much of what, he says too much of everything, too much stuff, too many places, too much information, too many people, too much of things for there to be too much of, there is too much to know and I don't know where to begin but I want to try.
People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little. It is plain that an ignorant person thinks everything he does know important, and he tells it to everybody. But a well-educated man is not so ready to display his learning; he would have too much to say, and he sees that there is much more to be said, so he holds his peace.
Mankind thinks either too much or too little of sin.
I'd like to play a guy who doesn't think so much. I'd like a character whose words come out before he thinks about it. I want a character who is just kind of dumb in that way. A guy who doesn't have too many dangerous, devious ideas. It would be fun to play a role like that.
The surest way to become Tense, Awkward, and Confused is to develop a mind that tries too hard - one that thinks too much.
Too much has been said of the heroes of history-the strong men, the troublesome men; too little of the amiable, the kindly, the tolerant.
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