A Quote by William Shakespeare

The fool multitude, that choose by show, not learning more than the fond eye doth teach. — © William Shakespeare
The fool multitude, that choose by show, not learning more than the fond eye doth teach.
What many men desire--that 'many' may be meant By the fool multitude that choose by show, Not learning more than the fond eye doth teach, Which pries not to th' interior, but like the martlet Builds in the weather on the outward wall, Even in the force and road of casualty.
The why is plain as way to parish church: He that a fool doth very wisely hit Doth very foolishly, although he smart, Not to seem senseless of the bob; if not, The wise man's folly is anatomiz'd Even by the squand'ring glances of the fool.
Nothing doth so fool a man as extreme passion. This doth make them fools which otherwise are not, and show them to be fools which are so.
I realize how myself and other people have started to almost fool ourselves that it's more important to us and more real than the real world, the offline world, and we value looking at our phone and pixels on a screen more than connecting eye to eye with a human being, which is terrifying to me because we're becoming robots.
A multitude of words doth rather obscure than illustrate, they being a burden to the memory, and the first apt to be forgotten, before we come to the last. So that he that uses many words for the explaining of any subject, doth, like the cuttle-fish, hide himself, for the most part, in his own ink.
Daniel Radcliffe was actually a fan of the show and excited to be on it. Some of it is we've gone long enough that we're legitimate. Even if they don't know the show, they know we are a show and not some weird thing that's going to go away. Also, the more celebrities we get on BoJack show, the more it feels like a club to be in: "If Naomi Watts will make a fool of herself, I guess I can make a fool of myself, too."
Show me a man or woman who cannot stand mysteries and I will show you a fool, a clever fool - perhaps - but a fool just the same.
I am more convinced than ever that mindsets toward learning could matter more than anything else we teach.
Learning to draw is really a matter of learning to see - to see correctly - and that means a good deal more than merely looking with the eye.
People with high levels of personal mastery...cannot afford to choose between reason and intuition, or head and heart, any more than they would choose to walk on one leg or see with one eye.
Now I will show myselfTo have more of the serpent than the dove;That is--more knave than fool.
Education is learning to grow, learning what to grow toward, learning what is good and bad, learning what is desirable and undesirable, learning what to choose and what not to choose.
We credit most our sight; one eye doth please Our trust farre more than ten eare-witnesses.
This great purple butterfly, In the prison of my hands, Has a learning in his eye Not a poor fool understands.
I decided to praise my son not when he succeeded at things he was already good at, but when he persevered with things that he found difficult. I stressed to him that by struggling, your brain grows. Between the deep body of research on the field of learning mindsets and this personal experience with my son, I am more convinced than ever that mindsets toward learning could matter more than anything else we teach.
I love teaching I think more than anything. It's the opportunity to just teach young people and teach the game. You teach more than basketball. You teach life skills. The teaching part of it is something that I am passionate about. I look forward to every practice. A lot of people say well, I enjoy coaching, but I see myself as more as a teacher.
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