A Quote by William Shenstone

Many persons, when exalted, assume an insolent humility, who behaved before with an insolent haughtiness. — © William Shenstone
Many persons, when exalted, assume an insolent humility, who behaved before with an insolent haughtiness.
The attitude of insolent haughtiness is characteristic of the relationships Americans form with what is alien to them, with others.
He who is insolent towards men is insolent towards God... Respect in man the grand, inestimable image of God and be forbearing towards the faults and errors of fallen man, so that God may be forbearing towards your own.
The more opportunities there are in a Society for some persons to live upon the toil of others, and the less those others may enjoy the fruits of their work themselves, the more is diligence killed, the former become insolent, the latter despairing, and both negligent.
Hunger is insolent, and will be fed.
Victory is by nature insolent and haughty.
I am shocking, impertinent and insolent that's how it is.
An insolent reply from a polite person is a bad sign.
Some are made modest by great praise, others insolent.
It is but refusing to gratify an unreasonable or an insolent demand, and up starts a patriot.
Power is so apt to be insolent and Liberty to be saucy, that they are seldom upon good Terms.
If men are given food, but no chastisement nor any work, they become insolent.
I am reading Jonson's verses to the memory of Shakespeare; an insolent, sparing, and invidious panegyric.
It is not the writer's task to answer questions but to question answers. To be impertinent, insolent, and, if necessary, subversive.
Mere bashfulness without merit is awkward; and merit without modesty, insolent. But modest merit has a double claim to acceptance, and generally meets with as many patrons as beholders.
The willing sacrifice of the innocents is the most powerful retort to insolent tyranny that has yet to be conceived by God or man.
The mind that is much elevated and insolent with prosperity, and cast down with adversity, is generally abject and base.
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