The brave and bold persist even against fortune; the timid and cowardly rush to despair though fear alone.
Love, like Fortune, favours the bold.
Beli at thirteen believed in love like a seventy-year-old widow who's been abandoned by family, husband, children and fortune believes in God.
The brave and bold persist even against fortune; the timid and cowardly rush to despair through fear alone.
[Lat., Fortes et strenuos etiam contra fortunam insistere, timidos et ignoros ad desperationem formidine properare.]
Write on your doors the saying wise and old,
"Be bold! be bold!" and everywhere - "Be bold;
Be not too bold!" Yet better the excess
Than the defect; better the more than less;
Better like Hector in the field to die,
Than like a perfumed Paris turn and fly.
Fortune favours the bold.
Fortune befriends the bold.
Audaces fortuna iuvat (latin)- Fortune favors the bold.
Fortune does favor the bold and you'll never know what you're capable of if you don't try.
The ignorant soul bride wanders in delusion, in the love of duality, she sits like a widow. She sits like a widow, in the love of duality, infatuated with Maya, she suffers in pain. She grows old, and her body withers away.
To die alone, on rock under sun at the brink of the unknown, like a wolf, like a great bird, seems to me very good fortune indeed.
Necessity of action takes away the fear of the act, and makes bold resolution the favorite of fortune.
Can anyone understand how it is to have lived in the White House and then, suddenly, to be living alone as the President's widow?
When you find Fortune favorable, stride boldly forward, for she favors the bold, and being a woman, the young.
He who finds Fortune on his side should go briskly ahead, for she is wont to favor the bold.
It is better to be bold than too circumspect, because fortune is of a sex which likes not a tardy wooer and repulses all who are not ardent.