A Quote by William Watson Purkey

No act of kindness is wasted. — © William Watson Purkey
No act of kindness is wasted.

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No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your eyes, kindness in your face, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greetings. We are all but His instruments who do our little bit and pass by. I believe that the way in which an act of kindness is done is as important as the action itself.
The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.
Research has shown that a simple act of kindness directed toward another improves the functioning of the immune system and stimulates the production of serotonin in both the recipient of the kindness and the person extending the kindness. Kindness extended, received or observed beneficially impacts the physical health and feelings of everyone involved.
A kindness is never wasted
Kindness is never wasted.
Love and kindness are never wasted.
Each smallest act of kindness, reverberates across great distances and spans of time --affecting lives unknown to the one who’s generous spirit, was the source of this good echo. Because kindness is passed on and grows each time it’s passed until a simple courtesy becomes an act of selfless courage, years later, and far away. Likewise, each small meanness, each expression of hatred, each act of evil.
Tell the truth. All the time. About everything. What's the alternative to radical honesty? Waste. Wasted time, wasted money, wasted possibilities-a wasted life.
A genuine act of kindness makes me feel like I really am where you cut underneath anything external, and you become what a human being can really be. It’s like coming home when you give kindness. Kindness changes us, as human beings.
Satanism represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!
One of the toughest things for leaders to master is kindness. Kindness shares credit and offers enthusiastic praise for others' work. It's a balancing act between being genuinely kind and not looking weak.
There is no small act of kindness. Every compassionate act makes large the world.
Kindness is one of the greatest gifts you can bestow upon another. If someone is in need, lend them a helping hand. Do not wait for a thank you. True kindness lies within the act of giving without the expectation of something in return.
Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.
It is not an act of kindness to treat animals respectfully. It is an act of justice.
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