A Quote by Willie Aames

My pastor said, Just because you were a celebrity doesn't mean you're supposed to be a celebrity now. — © Willie Aames
My pastor said, Just because you were a celebrity doesn't mean you're supposed to be a celebrity now.
So much has changed about the culture, it's so much more about money and celebrity. Celebrity not in the sense of people who achieve something, because in the old days, I think if you were famous it meant you were an achiever. Now it's the Kardashians.
To me, there are two types of celebrity: there's good celebrity - people that are attracted to the food and working and trying to create something great - and then there's bad celebrity - those who are working on being a celebrity.
You sit at a fashion show in another country and you watch all of these paparazzi swarm around a celebrity, only they're a local celebrity, maybe a soap opera star, so you don't have any idea who they are, you just know they're famous to a bunch of stunned Italians. It's weird, because when you can't identify who a celebrity is, they can just look like overslicked stand-ins. That might sound awful, but what I mean is, when you think about most actresses, even in Hollywood, they really aren't that fascinating or glamorous in their own right once you strip away the flashbulbs.
Actors have become much more savvy about the nature of television celebrity these days. We were not. The kind of celebrity culture that exists now didn't exist in the 1980s.
I think our culture has gotten so skewed. People assume that because you're an actor you want to write a book to exploit your celebrity, but my celebrity is only a byproduct of me making movies. I have no intention of being a celebrity.
The ratio of celebrity divorces is probably about the same as non-celebrity divorces; it's just that the non-celebrity divorces don't get a lot of public scrutiny, normally.
I've always loved Houdini, not just because of what he did, but also because of what he stood for. He was a self-made man in a time when the idea of celebrity was still new, and he used his celebrity for good.
I think that's the fascinating thing that exists now. This contrasts with a celebrity art and celebrity music culture.
When it comes to other celebrity brands, I think a lot of people do a great job, but it can't be all about them. Everybody doesn't want to just look like the celebrity, because they can't. They just want one element of that style.
I don't think you should necessarily listen to a celebrity just because he is one. But if you can marshal your celebrity and really steep yourself in whatever issue you're trying to promote, it can actually move the ball forward, and we've done that.
There are people who tell you to shut up because you're just a celebrity, but pundits, talking heads, they're every bit the celebrity and a lot of them aren't any more qualified than the average man on the street.
Maybe I've been a small part of the democratisation of celebrity, because I've been fascinated by it, and when it started to happen to me to the very limited extent that it happens to writers in North America, I was exposed to people who had the disease of celebrity. People who had raging, raging, life-threatening celebrity, people who would be in danger if they were left alone on the street without their minders. It's a great anthropological privilege to be there.
With the rise of the reality show, everyone thinks they can be a celebrity, or that it would be a positive to be a celebrity, or that everyone who's in the news is a celebrity, and I think that there are a lot of people who don't choose to be on the front page, and yet they're still there.
This celebrity thing has been interesting. It's hard to get used to, because I don't see myself as a celebrity.
What's a celebrity anyway? Paris Hilton's a celebrity. I'm just a working actor.
Just because I am a celebrity doesn't mean I can't say, 'Sorry.'
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