A Quote by Winona LaDuke

I’m not a patriot to a flag, I’m a patriot to a land. — © Winona LaDuke
I’m not a patriot to a flag, I’m a patriot to a land.

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Let me be clear: It's not that I'm not a patriot because I want to keep flag-burning legal, it's that I want to keep flag-burning legal because I am a patriot.
My definition of patriotism is that it is unconscionable for you to disrespect the flag. You can be a patriot and challenge the government without disrespecting the flag.
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
A man can be a Christian or a patriot, but he can't legally be a Christian and a patriot - except in the usual way: one of the two with the mouth, the other with the heart.
I am an old-fashioned, honest-to-goodness, flag waving patriot.
People talk about the Patriot Act that was passed immediately in the wake of September 11. What the Patriot Act did was break down the walls between the various agencies.
There is much more to being a patriot and a citizen than reciting the pledge or raising a flag.
We are in a strange period of history in which a revolutionary has to be a patriot and a patriot has to be a revolutionary.
Are you a Loyalist or a Patriot? Why, because being a God-fearing, self-reliant, freedom-loving American is a choice. Or we could be one of those government-dependent, Constitution-fearing socialists. That's the question, actually, the Founding Fathers asked. Are you a Loyalist or a Patriot?
When I did the anthem, I did it with the understanding in my heart and mind that I did it because I'm a patriot. I was trying to be a grateful patriot. I was expressing my feelings for America when I did the anthem my way instead of just singing it with an orchestra.
Saying you are a patriot does not make you one; wearing a flag pin does not in itself mean anything at all.
We all know by now that Barack Obama is not a patriot. After all, he doesn't always wear a flag pin, and he objects to the idea that he should be required to in order to run for office.
He is a poor patriot whose patriotism does not enable him to understand how all men everywhere feel about their altars and their hearthstones, their flag and their fatherland.
The Patriot Act has increased the flow of information within our government, and it has helped break up terror cells in the United States of America and the United States Congress was right to renew the terrorist act. The Patriot Act.
A true patriot does not confuse government with country. A patriot's loyalty is to his country, and loyalty to country requires holding government accountable.
Sherrod Brown, in the House, was one of 66 members of the House to vote against the Patriot Act, and he continues to vote against the Patriot Act, to deny our law enforcement the tools they need to go against terror.
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