A Quote by Winston Marshall

I regret a couple of wardrobe decisions. — © Winston Marshall
I regret a couple of wardrobe decisions.
You mustn't regret decisions that you make. Because the decisions are made out of your gut in a way and you have to stick with them.
I regret that I was never an athlete. I regret there isn't time in life. I regret that so many of my friends have died. I regret that I was not brave at certain times in my life. I regret that I'm not beautiful. I regret that my conversation is largely with myself. I'm not part of the conversation of the world.
Over the last couple of years, the photos of me when I was a kid... well, they've started to give me a little pang or something - not unhappiness, exactly, but some kind of quiet, deep regret... I keep wanting to apologize to the little guy: "I'm sorry, I've let you down. I was the person who was supposed to look after you, but I blew it: I made wrong decisions at bad times, and I turned you into me.
Absolutely. Regret is counterproductive. It's looking back on a past that you can't change. Questioning things as they occur can prevent regret in the future. I questioned a lot about my relationship with your father. People make spontaneous decisions based off of their hearts all the time. There's so much more to relationships than just love.
I never regret my decisions.
I was always fearful I would become That Guy. The guy who had regret. 'Yeah, we won a couple of championships, but I never saw my kids grow up. Yeah, we beat Georgia a couple of times, but I ruined my marriage.'
I don't regret any decisions I've made in my life.
I don't regret any of the musical decisions I have made.
Regret is not an apology. I regret that I ran the stop sign, right, but, yeah, I'm not sorry for what I speaking. I regret that because I got a ticket. You can regret things and still not be sorry for them.
My wardrobe is like a garden oh, I don't know how I've got the gall! My wardrobe is just like a wardrobe it's not like a garden at all!
I'm a great believer in the capsule wardrobe - a wardrobe where's there's a limited palate of black colours.
It's hard to regret stuff. You make decisions and you go with it.
My culinary wardrobe is the same as my biking wardrobe, just no shoes.
I generally feel like people that are doing the wardrobe know more about wardrobe than I do, and they have an overview.
Lingerie is one of the most important pieces of your wardrobe. You can have a wardrobe malfunction if you don't choose the right thing to wear underneath!
There's no such thing as a wardrobe malfunction - only a wardrobe opportunity.
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