I am not covering stories as a transgender reporter. I'm a reporter who is transgender. Otherwise, it would be like having a black reporter only cover stories about blacks or a Hispanic reporter covering stories about Hispanics.
I have been incredibly proud and incredibly humbled to have had a front-row seat in covering this election [2016]. I'm working the hardest I've ever worked. I'm on the air six days a week...covering this election has been historic and amazing, and it has helped me grow so much [as a journalist].
Covering a historic event is perfectly legitimate. It's not sneaking into somebody's boudoir... These people belong to history, and not to record that if you have the opportunity would be wrong.
There are hundreds of historic and current examples of women and minorities doing groundbreaking work in technology, but so many of these stories are not well known, and in some cases, the stories have been all but lost.
I had a long-lasting love affair with the flavors from Japan and the hustling New York street vendors. And, of course, a life-changing return to Ethiopia has made huge impacts on my life in food.
There's no way of preventing the media from covering attacks as huge events and until the media stops doing that, they will be huge in people's consciousness, and we have to treat these things differently from the smaller random acts of violence.
I am a woman, and sometimes that impacts what stories I want to do.
Life is so generous a giver, but we, judging its gifts by the covering, cast them away as ugly or heavy or hard. Remove the covering and you will find beneath it a living splendor, woven of love, by wisdom, with power.
I love stories of female empowerment. I love stories of, "Hey, I'm an ordinary person." "No, you're not!" I love stories about not knowing you have it in you, but when called to task, you rise and you find out who you are.
Tundra is a huge, forever frozen wetland covering the entire coast of the Arctic Ocean.
Journalism is about covering important stories-with a pillow, until they stop moving.
Before 'Fallen,' I'd written love stories and more love stories. I'd fallen in love with love stories - but they were also beginning to feel just a little bit too insular, too small.
I have been involved in lots of crossover and event books, and the truth is, I dearly love them. I love stories that actually take advantage of the huge DC library and catalog - that stuff thrills me.
Books stay with me and have shaped me and made huge impacts on my life.
In the beginning, all of us got 'women type' stories. Like covering the first lady instead of the president.
I'm a huge sports fan. I love the psychology of athletes and the culture of athletics. I'm constantly drawn to those kinds of stories.