A Quote by Woody Harrelson

Even though there's an entertainment value to the film, I think it's very important because you can't really separate the impact of that political message from it. It's rare that you get films like that I think; that really have an important message and are also entertaining.
The Israel stories were really hard for me to write, because I think that my book is very much about politics, but it isn't political. It really was important for me to not have a political agenda at all, because I have a hard time stomaching any political fiction that feels message-y.
Girls get the message from very early on that what's most important is how they look, that their value, their worth depends on that. And boys get the message that this is what's important about girls. We get it from advertising. We get it from films. We get it from television shows, video games, everywhere we look. So no matter what else a woman does, no matter what else her achievements, their value still depends on how they look.
I hate political films that have one particular message that they're trying to convey. I think propaganda is very dangerous, and it's very easy for anything to slip into it. I also think that propaganda is something that defies the identity of cinema. I hate propaganda in cinema, even if it was promoting the political stance that I myself am allied with. I always say that the responsibility of a film is first and foremost: To be a film. It's not a manifesto, it's not an op-ed.
Donations to my legal defense fund really help, and I think keeping me motivated and spreading the message are also very important.
There is something about important stories that is not just the message, but also the way that message is conveyed, the arrangement of the words, the felicity of the language. So it's really a balance between your commitment, whether it's political or economic or whatever, and your craft as an artist.
I think every good, entertaining movie should have a message. I really believe that, because if you do it without it, the film feels a little bit soulless.
'Thrones' would be the perfect platform to send a progressive message because right now, our politicians aren't telling us any truths. It's hard to find a good, meaningful message, so I think it's up to storytellers, television shows, and films to have an impact on the world conversation. Is that not what film and television is for?
Pain in all its forms is also a message, a kind of distress signal to our hearts and minds. There are times when it's really important to tune into that message and just listen to it.
I think films are about having a good time, so I don't know that there's a message. The message of a film is always what a critic writes, and the fun of a film or the emotion of a film is what the audience feels.
When it comes to films, people often don't differentiate between the message of a bad central character and the message of the film itself. They are two separate things.
If a film has a social message, it is very important for me to know what the message is and how it's going to be delivered, but it's not something I look for all the time.
It's very, very important to be yourself, and that's the kind of message that I want to get across in my character as well. On TV, that's the message that I want to get across to fans of all ages, really: To get somewhere, you just have to be yourself. Don't ever change for anyone.
I think it's really important for actors to add some shock value to whatever they do. I think the audience gets bored very easily, and it's really important to keep experimenting.
I think that's such an important message, especially for younger women, to know, 'I don't have to come out of the womb painting like Frida Kahlo. My very first thing that I make isn't going to be an around-the-world sensation.' You have to paint a hundred really ugly, barfy, diarrhea paintings before you come up with that one where you start to really get into your groove.
I think that when I am making music, if I can be really happy with it and get my message across, then that is the most important thing.
There are things that I really find important, and that we need to remind ourselves of. When you think about disability, do you really think about it? Someone who's a full-time trainer or a boxer, someone who's got a major disability, but who doesn't let that get in his way, that's a really good message for someone who is able-bodied. It can make them think, 'Wow, I suppose I could be doing better for myself.'
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