A Quote by Y. C. James Yen

Go to the people Live among them Learn from them Love them Serve them Plan with them Start with what they know Build on what they have.

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Go to the people and live among them in order to know them and learn from them.
Go to the people. Learn from them. Live with them. Start with what they know. Build with what they have. The best of leaders when the job is done, when the task is accomplished, the people will say we have done it ourselves.
The real servant of the people must live among them, think with them, feel for them, and die for them.
My biggest obligation is to serve the people of this organization, and to serve them well. I serve them with the best benefit packages, whether it's health care, dental or a 401(k) plan. I support them with the tools they need to be the very best they can possibly be.
I love to hang out and talk to people on set, especially when I start a new job to get to know them. I like to learn things from the crew so I sit around and ask them technical questions, when I think of them.
I want to be able to serve people. For that it's important that I'm with them, among them and working for them.
It is not necessary to teach others, to cure them or to improve them; it is only necessary to live among them, sharing the human condition and being present to them in love.
You know the reason I love the stars is because we can't hurt them: we can't burn them, we can't melt them , we can't make them overflow, we can't flood them or burn them up—so we keep reacing for them
The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, learn about them, or even seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them.
With all my employees, I listen to them, trust in them, believe in them, respect them and let them have a go! I never believe I know better than they do and have been fortunate over the years to build up a very strong management team whom I can trust and take advice from.
If we have goals and dreams and we want to do our best, and if we love people and we don’t want to hurt them or lose them, we should feel pain when things go wrong. The point isn’t to live without any regrets, the point is to not hate ourselves for having them… We need to learn to love the flawed, imperfect things that we create, and to forgive ourselves for creating them. Regret doesn’t remind us that we did badly — it reminds us that we know we can do better.
I love the people I photograph. I mean, they're my friends. I've never met most of them or I don't know them at all, yet through my images I live with them.
There are so many people out there living a life they don't want to live. They either are eating the food they don't want to eat, that doesn't serve them, or they're in a job that doesn't serve them and what they're really good at in the world, or they're in a situation or relationship where it's bringing them down.
People know if you care about them. How do you show people that you care? By caring for them. By putting their needs first. By sacrificing for them. By serving them. Do that, and you'll build a great team.
You never know what's going to happen so just enjoy the moments that you have with the people you love and cherish them. Let them know that you love them and how much you appreciate them being in your life.
We obsess about celebrities. We create them, build myths around them, and then hunt them and destroy them. I don't know where it's taking us or what it means, but I know we do it. I have seen a lot of it myself.
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