A Quote by Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Light matters should be dealt with seriously. Serious matters should be dealt with lightly. — © Yamamoto Tsunetomo
Light matters should be dealt with seriously. Serious matters should be dealt with lightly.
I keep living life as it's dealt to me. Sometimes, it's not dealt 100 percent. Sometimes it's dealt on the low '30s.
I've dealt with Democrats and Republicans all my life, and somebody said, "Oh, do you have that much experience politically?" You know, I've dealt - and understand this better than anybody. I've dealt with politicians all of my life.
Matters of small concern should be treated seriously.
On matters of race, on matters of decency, baseball should lead the way.
All my life I have dealt with objective matters; hence I lack both the natural aptitude and the experience to deal properly with people and to carry out official functions.
Lil had always believed that a person's duty was to make the best of the hand they were dealt. No use wondering what might have been, she used to say, all that matters is what is.
And I understand that, I testified in closed hearings over eight years because there are intelligence matters, there are sensitive matters that should not be held in a public hearing.
We Persians have a saying that one should deliberate serious matters first drunk, then sober.
Matters of religion should never be matters of controversy. We neither argue with a lover about his taste, nor condemn him, if we are just, for knowing so human a passion.
There should be some other provisions in the Constitution whereby if the Government is not functioning well, it can be dealt with. In a parliamentary democracy, this should be done only by Parliament. The prime minister should be answerable only to Parliament and it should only be Parliament that can install him or remove him.
Mother, who has an absolute belief that it is not the cards that one is dealt in life, it is how one plays them, is, by far, the highest card I was dealt.
One should put forth great effort in matters of learning. One should read books concerning military matters, and direct his attention exclusively to the virtues of loyalty and filial piety. Reading Chinese poetry, linked verse, and waka is forbidden. One will surely become womanized if he gives his heart such knowledge of such elegant and delicate refinements. Having been born into the house of a warrior, one's intentions should be to grasp the long and the short swords and to die
On your principles, you should never yield; you should be prepared to be defeated. Nobody likes to be defeated, but you should let everybody know in the most articulate and thoughtful and civil way you can (you don't go out and pick fights with people) that in certain matters that you define as matters of principle you will not budge, you cannot yield, you will not compromise. If you don't have the votes or the winning argument, then you stand to be defeated and rolled over, and you'll just have to come back another day.
I believe that the heaviest blow ever dealt at liberty's head will be dealt by this nation in the ultimate failure of its example to the earth.
I think living is serious. Living well, accepting yourself, using your talents to the fullest, enjoying yourself, that's all serious and important...But I think makeup and fashion should not be taken that seriously...You should have fun making up for a party. You should have fun wearing a sexy dress. When you're beautiful it should give you pleasure.
Pretty isn't the only thing that matters - being smart and kind matters more, of course - but all daughters should hear from their moms that they look pretty once in a while.
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