A Quote by Yannick Bolasie

I'm not going to try to live like Eden Hazard, for example. That's a totally different lifestyle. He's gonna have a bigger house, a bigger this... You can get attracted too much to that side. And then you forget what you do best. Football.
I try to give as much blanket forgiveness as much as possible in my life because that's the only way you can get past things and move forward. But, conversely, I'd like to be forgiven. In many ways, that's the bigger leap, the bigger transformation and the bigger step forward.
When we get this health care done, America, we're going to be able to have regulations on how heavy you can be. And we're going to be able to set up various tax penalties, for example, if you weigh more than we think you should or we just may not let you get on that airplane because your carbon footprint, you're gonna waste so much jet fuel, we may not let you get on that bus, we may not let you drive your car, we may not build a bigger doorway for you to get through, may not give you a bigger toilet.'
I see so many people get so wrapped up in wanting to get a bigger SUV or a bigger house. But then I think, 'My God, I could have been born a woman in the Congo.'
I think CMG is gonna grow and only get bigger and bigger. We're gonna continue to find the right talent and do everything that's necessary because I got an 'I will not lose' mentality.
Well, jazz is to me, a complete lifestyle. It's bigger than a word. It's a much bigger force than just something that you can say. It's something that you have to feel. It's something that you have to live.
I'm totally fine knowing that I gave part of myself to a bigger purpose and a bigger cause, to not only serve my country but try to make a better way of life for other people and much less fortunate people.
My comfort zone is like a little bubble around me, and I've pushed it in different directions and made it bigger and bigger until these objectives that seemed totally crazy eventually fall within the realm of the possible.
If you really were aware of the Earth in a singular context, putting it into the perspective of the galaxy, for example, then you would see that it is not infallible, that it is just part of a much bigger system that is part of a much bigger system and onward.
If someone gets a bigger house, does that automatically make them happy? Maybe for a second. But then they worry about the bigger house and how to take care of it.
The best way to forget your own problems is to help someone else solve theirs. The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live. The best way to respond to wrong is to do what's right. The better we know ourselves the less we'll criticize others. The bigger your problems, the bigger your prayer should be.
In football, there are so many great football players like Eden Hazard, Roberto Lewandowski and Neymar.
Every film that gets made, and I'm not just talking about 'Star Wars,' I'm talking about Marvel, DC, every tent pole film - they seem to just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. The worlds get bigger, the stakes get bigger.
We spend too much, we borrow too much, and we distort the markets. The bigger the distortions have lasted, the bigger the bust will be.
Mourinho criticised Eden Hazard for not doing his defensive duties. Eden Hazard is the type of player that you take that responsibility off.
I'm so devoted to my music and becoming the best artist I can be. I don't want to devote too much time to anything else before I say I've conquered that. I just wanna become bigger and I'm never satisfied with just what I am today, I just always want to be bigger. If I was Bill Gates, I would double Bill Gates. That's the mindstate you should keep in any profession, just keep striking iron and trying to get bigger and better.
I think the one thing that I've experienced with American films is just that the size tends to be so much bigger, the budgets have been bigger, the size of the sets have been bigger, the number of people working on them is bigger, but that's not to say that I haven't been able to get close to people or develop good relationships.
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