A Quote by Yasuhiko Kimura

It is unethical not to know. It is unethical not to think. It is unethical not to love. It is unethical not to live an impassioned life. It is unethical not to attain greatness. It is unethical to succumb to the fear of envy and the conspiracy of mediocrity. It is unethical not to self-bestow genius. It is unethical not to be the first monkey.
Just like there is nothing wrong with calling out unethical attorneys, there is nothing wrong with calling out unethical journalists.
The most important thing to me is that the president Donald Trump fired the FBI director James Comey all because of the Russia investigation. That first justification given, again, the White House misleading the country about a major action the administration was taking, but the fact that they had a private conversation in which the president, by his own admission, was discussing the future of Director Comey in that job, and the president brings up whether he is under investigation, highly unethical, at a minimum, unethical.
What is the difference between unethical and ethical advertising? Unethical advertising uses falsehoods to deceive the public; ethical advertising uses truth to deceive the public.
...how little our side of the industry did to move its business to the more ethical firms and to make a fuss about conflicted or unethical behavior. Had a number of us moved our business, we might have slowed or even stopped the 30-year slide in conflicted, unethical behavior that we have experienced. I, for one, regret the modest nature of our moves. We all could have done more. We have tolerated a pretty nasty decline in standards. Shame on us.
You can't disbar unethical journalists.
We all have done something unethical.
I consider your conduct unethical and lousy.
Economic growth without investment in human development is unsustainable - and unethical.
Man is the most dangerous, destructive, selfish, and unethical animal on earth.
We want a faithful Catholic businessman not to have to provide a service he finds unethical.
To be a good detective you must also think like a crook, an immoral, unethical or unlawful person
I think canceling a game that is making a profit, along with destroying jobs and an online community, is entirely unethical.
If I do an interview, then I take full responsibility. I figure I'm not going to talk to anyone that I think is unethical anyway.
Goose down is super-unethical, and it's unnecessary. There are a lot of alternatives that are sustainable and just as warm.
Apparently it was unethical for lawyers to sleep with their clients. This from a man who offered legal representation to assassins.
I approach every role with the same commitment because I'm being paid for it. To not do so would be unethical.
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