A Quote by YG

I'm experimenting. That was part of the reason why I named the album 'Stay Dangerous.' It was about being proactive, not reactive. — © YG
I'm experimenting. That was part of the reason why I named the album 'Stay Dangerous.' It was about being proactive, not reactive.
I think that whenever you feel reactive or are being reactive as opposed to proactive, that inherently - consciously or subconsciously - creates a lot of stress.
I've decided I don't want to be a manager. Every time you try to be responsive to your employees, they say you're being reactive and not proactive. And when you try to be proactive, they accuse you of being capricious and arbitrary. So I don't wanna be a manager.
Being proactive is more than taking initiative. It is recognizing that we are responsible for our own choices and have the freedom to choose based on principles and values rather than on moods or condition. Proactive people are agents of change and choose not to be victims, to be reactive, or to blame others.
The ability to subordinate an impulse to a value is the essence of the proactive person. Reactive people are driven by feelings, by circumstances, by conditions, by their environment. Proactive people are driven by values - carefully thought about, selected and internalized values.
We're 50 per cent of the population so it's appropriate we're reflected everywhere as people who take part in society in a really proactive way - that women aren't just reactive, they're out there doing stuff.
You have to think a little smarter, be proactive, not reactive.
Our ecological emergency demands proactive choices, not reactive sideswipes.
It's interesting, because I named my first album after my dad because I wanted to find him. My second album was named after my mom because I felt like I learned all my creative talents I learned from her. All the survival stuff, too. And then the next album is 'Maya,' which is not my real name. It's fake.
That's why I named my album 'Finding Forever,' because that's what I was thinking about: What did I want to contribute to this world that would live beyond my physical existence?
Reactive and proactive policing are both necessary. Still, we need to lower expectations that such efforts can ever be responsive to crime.
For those of you that don't know, the reason I named my album 'Free TC' is because my lil' brother is named TC. He's locked up for something that he didn't do, and what I'm trying to do is just raise awareness around the whole mass incarceration thing going on in our country, especially with our people.
The things that I leave creatively are going to stay here long past me. That's the reason why the album is called '4Eva Is a Mighty Long Time.'
I believe that everyone chooses how to approach life. If you're proactive, you focus on preparing. If you're reactive, you end up focusing on repairing.
After Lockerbie, everyone thought, now we've learned the lesson of how to be proactive instead of being reactive. Unfortunately, September 11 came and we know the result. Thousands of people lost their lives. Security totally failed, not at one airport, at three different airports around the country.
I can spend a lot of time on the internet as a substitute for TV. This is part of the reason why I'm not a good girlfriend - you can't sit down with me and watch a movie. I hate being strapped down to stay with something.
I wrote an album about being in love. I don't think it's possible to write an album while you're in love - why on earth would you bother? I mean, Christ. If you're in there writing songs about someone rather than just being with them and kissing their every molecule, surely the person that you're with must be asking some questions as well.
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