A Quote by Yogi Berra

As a general comment on baseball:"90% of the game is half mental." — © Yogi Berra
As a general comment on baseball:"90% of the game is half mental."
Half the game is 90% mental.
Half this game is 90 percent mental.
Ninety percent of the game (baseball) is half mental.
They always say baseball is 90 percent mental, 10 percent physical, whatever that saying is. I don't even think I know it. But this game is already a game of failure. Going into it not feeling good, battling whatever injuries, tests you even more.
I will say this: when you take any substance, especially in baseball, it's half mental and half physical. If you take this glass of water and you say, 'I'm going to be a better baseball player,' then you probably will be.
Half the game is mental, the other half is being mental.
In training everyone focuses on 90% physical and 10% mental, but in the races its 90% mental because there's very little that separates us physically at the elite level
I think the biggest thing that I learned, and why I've fallen in love with baseball, is how mental of a game it is. It's such a mental sport, and it's beautiful. I think definitely the mental aspect, the stats, and the mathematics, that, to me, really blew me away.
Long distance running is 90% mental and the other half is physical.
Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical.
Baseball is ninety percent mental. The other half is physical.
I don't like comparisons with football. Baseball is an entirely different game. You can watch a tight, well-played football game,but it isn't exciting if half the stadium is empty. The violence on the field must bounce off a lot of people. But you can go to a ball park on a quiet Tuesday afternoon with only a few thousand people in the place and thoroughly enjoy a one-sided game. Baseball has an aesthetic, intellectual appeal found in no other team sport.
When you're younger, you ride with 90% physical and 10% mental. But if you could learn how to use 90% mental and 10% physical you'd be better off.
It's baseball. You don't think a general manager can manage? Like it's impossible? The game is too complex? I've never bought into that, 'Baseball's just too complex.' Really? A third of the sport is from the Dominican Republic.
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You "take in" a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
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