A Quote by Zadie Smith

The really heroic thing about Nick Hornby is that he lives in north London and rarely leaves it... Every English writer needs their corner that is forever England - but only a few brave men choose to make that corner Highbury.
I am a pathetic and gushing Nick Hornby fan, and I wanted to be in High Fidelity, and I wanted to be in About A Boy, and those two directors - one who's a dear friend, and one who has never cast me in anything, despite my pleading... So there was another Nick Hornby script going around being cast by a friend of mine, and she said, "There's a very small role in it, but you'd be right for it." I was like "I don't care how small, I'm going to be in this Nick Hornby film."
If I should die, think only this of me: That there's some corner of a foreign field That is forever England. There shall be In that rich earth a richer dust concealed; A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware, Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam, A body of England's, breathing English air, Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.
The interesting thing about London is that there are always stylish surprises around every corner.
People who talk of the spread of music in England and the increasing love of it, rarely seem to know where the growth of the art is really strong and properly fostered: some day the press will awake to the fact, already known abroad and to some few of us in England, that the living centre of music in Great Britain is not London, but somewhere further North.
In Formula 1 there is so much grip, you can attack the corner so hard and be so aggressive in corner entries, and that doesn't really work in IndyCar. You have to bring that back a bit and be more precise in the mid-corner to exit.
There are so few people who can really take hold of art and sort of eat and chew it up. Somehow it's got to be held special, sacred in a corner, and if you don't do the same thing with it, if you're not equally reverential, serious, and pompous about it, well, then you're not a great artist. Who needs that?
If I had the choice I would live in London. There are a few things I don't like about England but its just details, I don't really think about them but I really like England and I really like London.
I really admire Nick Hornby - for example, the way that he can make ordinary stuff so beautiful!
No one who has lived in the world as long as you & I have, can entertain the pious delusion that it is engineered upon principles of benevolence... the cosmos remains always beautiful and profoundly interesting in every corner-and if I had as many lives as a cat I would leave no corner unexplored.
I grew up in the middle of a block where there was an Irish grocery store on one corner, an Italian bar on another corner and the Nazi Party was on the third corner.
The North Country of New York is a region steeped in rich military tradition. Our corner of this country stands out for the remarkable tradition of brave men and women putting themselves in harm's way for our nation.
If I'm in a corner, I like my corner. It's the coolest corner I've ever been in.
I'm very confident that Nick Hornby always gets it right as a writer. He has the vernacular and passion. He is adroit and dry, and balances humor with the humanity of life.
I tended to be a solitary young girl, and I still am. I would like to find a quiet corner and color in my coloring book. When I think back, I made that corner mine, not really caring about the rest of the house.
A true storyteller is really good at writing himself into a corner and then finding a way out of that corner
You never know what's coming round the corner. There's only one thing coming round the corner - more corners.
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