A Quote by Zainab Salbi

No change can come if those who are impacted the most by discrimination are not willing to stand up for themselves. — © Zainab Salbi
No change can come if those who are impacted the most by discrimination are not willing to stand up for themselves.
My music is made for the people who are willing to stand up to change this world themselves.
When you feel powerful, you are willing to stand up for your rights, you are willing to stand up for what you believe in, you're more willing to stand up and be counted.
I'm interested when people will stand up for themselves. I'm always interested in that moment when someone decides it's not good enough, and even though it's painful, they're willing to make a change.
I think the Iraqis themselves will have to make a determination as to what type of government they ultimately come up with and what kind of nation they ultimately come up with. But they can continually use America's troops presence. The problem is not going to change until they are confronted with the reality that they have to make decisions and they have to make them themselves. They have to decide whether they want a country, whether they're willing to put their lives on the line and sacrifice for a national interest as opposed to a regional or sectarian interest.
To those who are gay, lesbian, bisexual,or transgender-let me say- you are not alone. You're struggle, for the end to violence and discrimination, is a shared struggle. Today, I stand with you. And I call upon all countries and people, to stand with you too.A historic shift is underway. We must tackle the violence, decriminalize consensual same sex relationships and end discrimination. We must educate the public. I call on this council and people of conscience to make this happen.The time has come.
Something is swelling up among our athletes. Many of them are frustrated, everywhere in the world, and they are looking for a way out. Either they start doping themselves, or they give up the sport. Or else they stand up and demand that those who have the power to should change the system.
There were not that many people who were willing to come out and stand up for Muslims or stand up against the abuses of the Bush administration. That was post-9/11, so I think there was a lot of fear at the time about exactly what that meant - were they unpatriotic if they stood up?
When you surrender and stop resisting and stop trying to change that which you can't change, but be in the moment, be fully open to the blessings you've already received and those that are yet to come and stand in that space of gratitude ... and look at where you are and how far you've come and what you've accomplished - when you can claim THAT and SEE that, the literal vibration of your life will change.
Stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves; its your responsibility
I will stand up for all of those who feel they can't stand up for themselves.
When under siege, if we do not stand for our liberties and for the liberties of those who are unable to stand for themselves, then the great American experience will come to an end.
American Muslims - young American Muslims in particular - are starting to understand that unless they are willing to stand up for all the other oppressed communities in this country, including those discriminated against for their gender or sexuality, then no one will stand up for them.
One of the most durable and destructive legacies of discrimination is the way we've internalized a sense of limitation; how so many in our community have come to expect so little from the world and from themselves.
I think the most important thing to do is to be willing to listen, willing to care, and willing to admit mistakes and change your ways for the better!
You have to be willing to stand up for what you believe in, and the rule of law is one of those things.
To make a change, you must be: willing to commit, willing to change, willing to have an open mind, and willing to take action!
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