A Quote by Zendaya

[My fashion] line is inspired by real people, so I guess you could say it was listening to them, what they need, what they want and then translating that into coming from me.
Listening to Dr. King on the radio inspired me. Coming under the influence of Jim Lawson inspired me to think that I, too, could do something.
I guess I could be singing about Superman, or about Zarathustra coming down from the mountain, but in my mind I was singing about Julian Assange. I wish I could say that Nietzsche inspired my lyrics but all I can honestly say is I was inspired by the graphic design of these '70s paperback covers for Beyond Good & Evil and The Birth of Tragedy and The Gay Science.
I do what I do to inspire people. They can't be inspired by an ego, a big-headed person. It doesn't work. It doesn't match. And I really want to be that role model for people, for children. I want to be real. To my fans, I want them to view me as a real person. Don't put me on a pedestal. I'm human. I make mistakes, I cry, I hurt - just like you.
Write what you want to write, write what people want to hear, and write about what they're going through, because if you could connect with the people who are listening to your music and coming to your concerts and coming to your meet and greets, then you're doing your job well.
You don't want to be mean to people, but some people are real assholes. And you can't say that on TV - or, you can, but probably, as a celebrity, I can't get away with it. Trust me. Unless you're somebody who can say anything they want, I guess, like Donald Trump.
You say a line and you wait for them to laugh, then you say another line and you wait... It felt weird to me. But it's interesting and the energy is almost like theatre, I suppose, with all the people there
You say a line and you wait for them to laugh, then you say another line and you wait... It felt weird to me. But it's interesting and the energy is almost like theatre, I suppose, with all the people there.
If you want real, significant, sustainable change, you need talented, committed local line leaders. If the line manager is not innovating, then innovation is not going to occur.
I'm more of an actor than a boxer really. That's what I do in my life. I'm inspired by those real people that surround me: my family... I always say that I don't have friends, only brothers, and that's it. That's why I'm always real and free because I'm inspired by the people that trust me, and who I trust in. We are just free when we are together.
People need to be inspired. They need to hear and believe a story. If you want them to be self-motivated, you need to engage them.
Whenever people tell me they don't know how to get inspired, I say "What's the matter with you?! I could stay in my apartment and be inspired!"
I think Splash made people realize that I was still alive, and I think I inspired a lot of people. I have people coming up to me all the time in the airport saying, "Hey, you inspired me to learn how to swim!" "You inspired me to start moving around more." "You inspired me to start doing more for myself." So that was good. But mostly I took it because nobody had given me a job. And you know what really matters in life, right?
I put myself in the place of the listener when editing my writing. The last thing that I want to do is be preached at and told who to be or what to think when listening to an artist. However, I do want to be inspired. There's a fine line.
MAD FREE is a conversation project, not an organization, but I've literally have seen women have breakthroughs in real time. They learn and connect. I've had more women I could count say one of our conversations inspired them to be bold and wonderful things like getting PHD's or traveling to the continent. I am certainly far more inspired by the community of women than they are inspired.
There's a guy in London named Ben Cohen who is doing great things. In a way, we need people like Ben - we need straight guys to come out and say, 'What're you worried about? Get over yourself.' That's what we need! Because no one's listening to us - certainly, no one is listening to me.
So that's the biggest lessonsI've learned it is your dream, you do not need a business loan, you do not need the support of others, you need to do what you need to do and when you become, what do I want to call the word, like legitimate, when people see that you are real, then people will support you, but you can't ask them to take a risk on you.
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