Top 158 Quotes & Sayings by Amos Bronson Alcott

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American educator Amos Bronson Alcott.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Amos Bronson Alcott

Amos Bronson Alcott was an American teacher, writer, philosopher, and reformer. As an educator, Alcott pioneered new ways of interacting with young students, focusing on a conversational style, and avoided traditional punishment. He hoped to perfect the human spirit and, to that end, advocated a plant-based diet. He was also an abolitionist and an advocate for women's rights.

Our notion of the perfect society embraces the family as its center and ornament, and this paradise is not secure until children appear to animate and complete the picture.
A government, for protecting business only, is but a carcass, and soon falls by its own corruption and decay.
A true teacher defends his students against his own personal influences. — © Amos Bronson Alcott
A true teacher defends his students against his own personal influences.
To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent that is to triumph over old age.
Our dreams drench us in sense, and sense steeps us again in dreams.
Where there is a mother in the home, matters go well.
Thought means life, since those who do not think so do not live in any high or real sense. Thinking makes the man.
One must be a wise reader to quote wisely and well.
Success is sweet and sweeter if long delayed and gotten through many struggles and defeats.
Our ideals are our better selves.
Debate is masculine, conversation is feminine.
The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence. He inspires self-trust. He guides their eyes from himself to the spirit that quickens him. He will have no disciples.
That is a good book which is opened with expectation, and closed with delight and profit. — © Amos Bronson Alcott
That is a good book which is opened with expectation, and closed with delight and profit.
While one finds company in himself and his pursuits, he cannot feel old, no matter what his years may be.
The less routine the more life.
We climb to heaven most often on the ruins of our cherished plans, finding our failures were successes.
To be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of the ignorant.
Who knows, the mind has the key to all things besides.
Observation more than books and experience more than persons, are the prime educators.
First find the man in yourself if you will inspire manliness in others.
Strengthen me by sympathizing with my strength, not my weakness.
Who speaks to the instincts speaks to the deepest in mankind, and finds the readiest response.
Our friends interpret the world and ourselves to us, if we take them tenderly and truly.
A chaste generation would restore Paradise.
Debate is angular, conversation circular and radiant of the underlying unity.
Ignorance is innocence - stupidity comes with experience
Many can argue - not many converse.
I find my past in my present, and from these forecast my future.
Man must have some recognized stake in society and affairs to knit him lovingly to his kind, or he is wont to revenge himself for wrongs real or imagined.
There are truths that shield themselves behind veils, and are best spoken by implication. Even the sun veils himself in his own rays to blind the gaze of the too curious starer.
Your real influence is measured by your treatment of yourself.
Like birds of passage, the instincts drift the soul adventurously beyond the horizon of sensible things, as if intent on convoying it to the mother country from whence it had flown.
Nature is the armory of genius. Cities serve it poorly, books and colleges at second hand; the eye craves the spectacle of the horizon; of mountain, ocean, river and plain, the clouds and stars; actual contact with the elements, sympathy with the seasons as they rise and roll.
Yet the deepest truths are best read between the lines, and, for the most part, refuse to be written.
Prudence is the footprint of Wisdom.
Modesty is bred of self-reverence. Fine manners are the mantle of fair minds.
Our bravest and best lessons are not learned through success, but through misadventure.
Every dogma embodies some shade of truth to give it seeming currency. — © Amos Bronson Alcott
Every dogma embodies some shade of truth to give it seeming currency.
Egotists cannot converse, they talk to themselves only.
Civilization degrades the many to exalt the few.
Anger is the resentment of the animal, and gentle blood alone makes the gentleman.
No one is promiscuous in his way of dying. A man who has decided to hang himself will never jump in front of a train.
Cleanse the fountain if you would purify the streams.
Fullness is always quiet; agitation will answer for empty vessels only.
Sloth is the tempter that beguiles and expels from paradise.
Time is one's best friend, teaching best of all the wisdom of silence.
Health, longevity, beauty, are other names for personal purity; and temperance is the regimen for all.
Enthusiasm is essential to the successful attainment of any high endeavor. — © Amos Bronson Alcott
Enthusiasm is essential to the successful attainment of any high endeavor.
Inspiration must find answering inspiration.
Despair snuffs the sun from the firmament.
Enthusiasm imparts itself magnetically and fuses all into one happy and harmonious unity of feeling and sentiment.
A birthday is a good time to begin a new; throwing away the old habits, as you would old clothes, and never putting them again.
Many are those who can argue; few are those who can converse
Where women are, the better things are implied if not spoken.
Wherever comes man comes tragedy and comedy also.
As education becomes inclusive, introspective, cosmic, promoting whole populations to power and privilege, it enthrones a vast, invisible, personal rule over the common mind.
One does not see his thought distinctly till it is reflected in the image of another's.
Time ripens the substance of a life as the seasons mellow and perfect its fruits. The best apples fall latest and keep longest.
Good discourse sinks differences and seeks agreements.
Dignity of manner always conveys a sense of reserved force.
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