Top 144 Quotes & Sayings by Kedar Joshi

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a physician Kedar Joshi.
Last updated on September 11, 2024.
Kedar Joshi
Kedar Joshi
Born: 1979
If God is in Heaven, Hell is empty.
The angel within me thrives on the devil within me.
Man is truly born the time he dies. — © Kedar Joshi
Man is truly born the time he dies.
The language of God is Mystery.
The final philosophy is the ontology of God.
Man is programmed to find the programmer.
Life exists to be a mystery.
The most fundamental tragedy of my life is that the ones who I see do not exist and the one who exists I do not see.
An atheist is as religious as a theist.
Optimism is the staunchest worshipper of life.
The world can never be in the state of right order, strong government, and good influence unless London is truly and literally established as its capital.
Mystery is the soul of existence.
Meditation should be the foremost technology of the 21st century; the technology of reprogramming the non-spatial universal computer. — © Kedar Joshi
Meditation should be the foremost technology of the 21st century; the technology of reprogramming the non-spatial universal computer.
Laugh and a moment will soon arrive when you cry.
At the heart of my metaphysic there is the ultimate question and at the heart of the universe there is the ultimate questioner.
Life, by which I mean my life, is a great, or probably the greatest, design, from its very beginning to its end, the end that, I think, is unlikely to exist. Each and every bit of life is a part of the design. Design exists as the consequence of the ultimate questioner's vanity. And my mission is to find the most fundamental truth, which probably and exclusively involves the nature of the existence of the ultimate questioner.
The world is a garden of philosophy. God is its gardener; Man is the visitor. And any tree that does not bear fruits of philosophy either does not belong to that garden or is yet to be grown.
I wish I can enjoy no food but food for thought.
I - a philosopher - live in the cage of flesh and blood.
The best thing about the world is that it has a mysterious structure and the worst thing is that it has a grievous structure.
Solitude is unquenched ego.
One of the great intellectual mistakes Einstein made is that he thought that space and time are physically or ontologically entangled. In the present non-spatial universal computational program, space and time happen to be entangled to the extent that, under certain unique circumstances, changes in spatial measurements indicate changes in temporal ones. However, a change in the program itself may cause space and time to disentangle.
Gravity is neither a force nor a consequence of any space-time curvature. It is simply an orderly spatial illusion to non-spatial observer/s.
God's greatest thirst and his greatest sin is his ultimate vanity.
The discovery of God begins at understanding that He ought to exist, and ends at knowing how He could exist.
Life is a question asked by God about the way he exists.
Most of the history is a divine work of fiction.
The final discovery is the discovery of knowledge.
In hell, the Devil is God.
If the universe is a non-spatial computer, a 'time machine' is a program that allows a user to have the same (ontologically non-spatial) feelings or experiences that occurred or s/he merely feels to have occurred in the past, with an in-built function to have different feelings or experiences than those of the past, and thus creating a possibility to change the past or to rewrite history in a pseudo sense.
My final destination is my complete knowledge of God.
They often say, "What's the point in astrology if you can't change your destiny?" Well, it's true that you can't change your destiny, but still it helps knowing about gravity.
What can be greater to life than to understand its meaning.
Vishnu came in the form of Hitler to be an inspiration for the Kalki to come.
The more I find life to be a great design, the more I suspect it to be singular in existence; the more I suspect it to be singular, the more I feel it to be specific and personal; the more I feel it to be personal, the more I think of it to be a mere question; And the more I think of it to be a question, the less I understand the questioner.
Genius is the ability to see the self-evident where the rest of the world turns blind.
God created the world to be praised on the subtle nature of his existence.
Pain is a poison; pleasure an intoxicant. — © Kedar Joshi
Pain is a poison; pleasure an intoxicant.
Nature, by its very nature, is very brutal and unequal. However, Man has somehow managed to transform the nature of its brutality and inequality.
History is like a ghost. It is as dead as alive.
Painful life is brutal and painless life is superficial.
The non-spatial nature of consciousness makes it possible for any apparently unconscious entity to be conscious, and vice versa.
The only absurdity in which I find equally immense compassion and morality is Christianity - though the compassion is outlandish and the morality is blemished.
If knowledge is my God, doubt would be my religion.
The existence of God is the ultimate paradox.
Truth is orphan without matter and matter is impotent without truth.
God speaks to Man through his destiny.
The pearl whose possession separates man from beast, the pearl which is the rarest find - the best among virtues - is forgiveness. — © Kedar Joshi
The pearl whose possession separates man from beast, the pearl which is the rarest find - the best among virtues - is forgiveness.
Truth may have been found but might never be known.
Necessity is the ethnicity of truth.
Christianity would be helpless without the idea of freewill and the idea of freewill would be helpless without incongruity.
How miserable a solipsist is! It is rather senseless for him to even assert his belief in solipsism, for, on the one hand, if his belief is false it is like committing intellectual suicide, and, on the other hand, if his belief is true it is an act of intellectual insanity.
The time has come for the greatest revolution of all times.
Man's greatest battle is being a true philosopher.
An idealistic lover is a blind lover, and therefore a true lover; a pragmatic lover is a sighted lover, and therefore a false lover.
God is a philosophical black hole-the point where reason breaks down.
Man is an appearance, God is a reality.
The world exists to let Man philosophize.
God would be the strangest thing to exist.
The sound of life has divine silence.
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