Top 4 Quotes & Sayings by Leah Price

Explore popular quotes and sayings by Leah Price.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
Leah Price

Leah Price is an American literary critic who specializes in the British novel and in the history of the book. She is Henry Rutgers Distinguished Professor in the Department of English at Rutgers University and founding director of the Rutgers Initiative for the Book. Prior to moving to Rutgers, Price was Professor of English and American Literature at Harvard University, where at the age of 31 she became one of the youngest assistant professors ever to be promoted to tenure at Harvard. She has written essays on old and new media for The New York Times Book Review, London Review of Books, The Paris Review, and The Boston Globe.

Born: October 6, 1970
A self without a shelf remains cryptic; a home without books naked. — © Leah Price
A self without a shelf remains cryptic; a home without books naked.
I felt the breath of God go cold on my skin.
Correction of Earlier Entry: 8/01/12We read over the shoulders of giants; books place us in dialogue not just with an author but with other readers.
Paper remains the standard to which digital media can only aspire.
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