Top 141 Quotes & Sayings by Randy Orton

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American wrestler Randy Orton.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Randy Orton

Randal Keith Orton is an American professional wrestler and actor. Widely regarded as one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time, he is currently signed to WWE, where he performs on the Raw brand.

In 2003, for my first Rumble, I was just as nervous then as I was 15 years later.
Whether I was The Legend Killer, The Viper, The Apex Predator, nothing's really changed.
When Rock was on 'Saturday Night Live,' that's what propelled him into the mainstream and made everyone realize, 'Holy crap, this guy is really talented.' — © Randy Orton
When Rock was on 'Saturday Night Live,' that's what propelled him into the mainstream and made everyone realize, 'Holy crap, this guy is really talented.'
The older I get and the harder it is to maintain a six pack, the more I wish I wore a tactical vest and cargo pants like Roman Reigns.
I rose to the top real quick, and I was surrounded by Triple H, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, these guys who were very well respected in the profession, and they wanted to work with me, so I knew I was doing something right.
Cena is awesome on the mic. When it comes to wrestling in the ring and the technical aspect, I feel as if I blow him away. I feel like I'm more of an athlete.
I have a very big, very beautiful family.
Even though the 'Shooter' character on TV is so close to the real-life me, I'm still playing with ways to creatively portray that character.
I think my whole deal was I didn't think other people had a right to an opinion. I think the problem I had was, in real life, it was my way or the highway, and if people disagreed with me, then they were just wrong.
I had a couple rough patches early in my career. I think I might have made some bad choices here and there.
I understand the psychology of the sport, especially inside the ring.
I have a lot of respect for Brock. I was down in OVW with him, and I was there a few months before he came. We all knew he was coming, but when he came, he was humble and a fun guy to be around.
I graduated boot camp with meritorious promotion. — © Randy Orton
I graduated boot camp with meritorious promotion.
I've accomplished so much in the WWE.
I had to realize that other people had an opinion that counted, and I had to realize that other people had feelings, and you've got to watch their feelings and listen to what they have to say.
I never thought, as a kid, that I'd have an action figure, much less an action figure sold in a two-pack with Jake The Snake.
We have the freedom of speech. We are able to hold hands in protest and stand up for what we believe in and have people hear what you have to say.
I got to doing this thing with the Wyatt Family, and I don't remember having this much fun in the ring in a long time.
I probably had the most fun ever in the ring with Christian. And it was because he could just pick stuff up out of thin air and make it something. Neither of us were these big high-fliers; none of us were power guys doing these big, crazy moves. But the finesse and the things were smooth with me and him.
All the fans that are aware that I'm a family man and I have five kids and the newborn, and they send messages on social media or a sign in the audience, or they just say it to me person-to-person on the street, I appreciate all of that.
I think I'm a better person because of my family.
When a kid smiles because you take an extra 30 seconds, minute, minute and a half to go over and ask them what their name is, give them the shirt you just wore to the ring, you just see them light up. We've all been kids before; we've all had our heroes, been fans of somebody and needed that autograph.
I think the biggest thing - when it comes to injuries and stuff, travel has a big part in that, because after a match, guys hit the road, and they're in a sitting position. They're not able to ice up or do whatever they have to do therapy-wise.
My father, my grandfather, the wrestling business, the WWE in particular, has really given me everything. A lot of happiness, my kids are taken care of, my wife is happy, they get to travel. A lot of pluses come with it; the Hall Of Fame would just be the cherry on top.
If anything, I'm overacting in the ring because of the facials and the body language. I want the guy in the cheap seats to be able to see what I'm thinking, the expression on my face. But when you're filming a movie, it could be a two- or three-camera shot, and you're doing it over and over and over again. It's not live TV; it's a lot different.
Deep down inside, when I come to the ring, whether it's a non-televised event or TV or pay per view, deep down inside, when you hear those 'R-K-O' chants or those 'Orton' chants, you know, it makes me smile on the inside.
I've main-evented WrestleMania a handful of times, but it never gets old. It's the same with nerves.
I just loved Jake The Snake because of that character and how he cut a promo. That dark nature of his character was amazing.
I was even more of a fan of Jake The Snake than I was of my dad when I was a kid, and that's because of the snake. Jake used to have his snake, Damien, out in the locker room slithering around the showers. In the locker room, they would actually block off one of the showers just so Damien could roll around, and I'd sit there and watch him.
I've had some of my best matches with Christian.
I remember the first Wrestlemania; I was four years old. Nobody had any idea what it would become.
I've wrestled in Seoul; I've wrestled in Auckland, New Zealand.
I don't have a problem with dives out of the ring, but there are a lot of these guys who don't have anything to fall back on, and they're not making any money doing it. A lot of these guys go out there, and they're gonna break their necks at 23 years old doing things they shouldn't be doing.
Big E, he's a strong dude. Ryback's a strong dude. But if you put Batista next to those guys, he was 6'6'', 320 lbs. Those guys are pushing 6'1''-6'2''. But Batista was wide. He was a big old dude. Those guys could beat him in a bench press contest, but I'd rather look like Dave.
I only got about four moves.
I'm not a runner.
I have to put my father over because he really taught me a lot, especially when it comes to out-of-the-ring psychology and how to react when you're approached by fans after a show or in the airport. It might sound silly, but a lot of those things come into play when you're playing a character.
If the Big Show lands on you when you're on the ground, you're not getting back up. He'll pick you up like a sack of crap and toss you over the top rope. — © Randy Orton
If the Big Show lands on you when you're on the ground, you're not getting back up. He'll pick you up like a sack of crap and toss you over the top rope.
I let some people down, like Triple H, who had a lot of faith in me and took me under his wing. Ric Flair would never say it, but he loved me like I was his kid, and he was like a dad to me on the road. I'm sure I let him down somewhere along the way. These guys really invested a lot of time, faith, and energy in me.
Tattoos are addicting, and I used to have this tribal tattoo, but I was never really happy with it.
Someone had asked me who I thought was better, John Cena or Rock. I said Rock needs a teleprompter. Rock needs a writer to write all his stuff.
WWE has given me everything; it really has. My kids will go to college because of them, I don't have to worry about finances because of them.
I ain't gonna win no Oscars.
I wasn't some stud athlete at school that was destined to be a professional wrestler. I was just an insecure little guy that didn't want to go to school because I had zits on my upper lip.
I got a bad conduct discharge, was at home for a few months in late '99, and basically said, 'Dad, I want to give wrestling a shot. I sure as hell don't wanna go to college, and the Marine Corps wasn't for me. And I need to make some money, so let's see if I can do it.'
When it comes to wrestling, I'm 100 percent confident in my abilities, and I see myself being in the ring as long as my body can handle it.
If I was gonna intimidate somebody? Give me the Batista build any day.
I wanna go watch a story and a fight between a good guy and a bad guy. — © Randy Orton
I wanna go watch a story and a fight between a good guy and a bad guy.
I want to work with guys like Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker, Edge and have good feuds and do entertaining stuff, and I know I'm capable of it.
I firmly believe that without the fans, I wouldn't be where I am. I'm truly fortunate to be relevant for a very long time, and it's because of them wanting to see more of me.
I have a wonderful wife that wouldn't hurt a fly, and I think a lot of that has rubbed off on me.
I think with Lesnar, it's always going to be him coming in every few months as a monster who destroys guys who work 200 days a year... There is a tendency for that to get old.
One day, when I'm unable to physically perform, would I want to pursue more of an acting career? Eh, maybe. But I think my home is with the WWE, being on the road and wrestling in front of a live audience.
Really getting married, settling down, and having a kid - that was the biggest thing for me. I realized, this little girl that came into my life, that I created with my wife, and how special is that?
I was forced, more or less, to go to anger management. I was either going to make myself and everyone around me miserable, or I was going to realize that there's more than one person on this Earth. It definitely has made me a better person.
I had very bad acne growing up. I had braces for six years, from the fifth to the 11th grade. I didn't look in the mirror and feel like someone who should be on TV.
Cena, one-hundred percent, bleeds WWE, and he always will. I know that much about him.
I definitely had a big head, and I'll be the first to admit that I made some bad decisions. But back when I was making those decisions, in my head I was doing no wrong.
When I won the World Title at 24 and became the youngest, I knew that was huge.
I had to realize that everyone has opinions, and they all have the right to feel a certain way, and you have to respect that.
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