Top 13 Quotes & Sayings by Steve Sailer

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American journalist Steve Sailer.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
Steve Sailer

Steven Ernest Sailer is an American paleoconservative journalist, movie critic, blogger, and columnist. He is a former correspondent for UPI and a columnist for Taki's Magazine and VDARE, a website associated with white supremacy, white nationalism, and the alt-right. He has a history of making racist statements, and writes about race relations, gender issues, politics, immigration, IQ, genetics, movies, and sports. As of 2014, Sailer ceased publishing his personal blog on his own website and shifted it to the Unz Review, an online publication founded by former businessman Ron Unz that promotes antisemitism, Holocaust denial, conspiracy theories, and white supremacist material.

Racism is to the current era what unAmericanism was to the Fifties: a curse word that provides a handy substitute for logical thought.
Lenin, Stalin, and Mao slaughtered even more tens of millions in the name of equality than Hitler murdered in the name of inequality.
The typical white intellectual considers himself superior to ordinary white folks for two contradictory reasons. First, he constantly proclaims his belief in human equality, but they don’t. Second, he has a high IQ, but they don’t.
Much of the appeal of feminism is that it encourages women to do what they always felt like doing anyway: take everything personally. But to succeed at the highest level, you need some objectivity, which feminism hates. Feminists see objective reality as a conspiracy out to make them feel bad about themselves.
Let the good times roll is especially or risky message for African-Americans. The plain fact is that they tend to possess poor native judgment than members of better educated groups. Thus, they need stricter moral guidance from society.
Much of modern liberalism consists of people trying to get revenge on the football players they felt inferior to in school. — © Steve Sailer
Much of modern liberalism consists of people trying to get revenge on the football players they felt inferior to in school.
Monogamy is a huge time-saver.
Political correctness is a war on noticing.
In contrast to New Orleans, there was only minimal looting after the horrendous 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan - because, when you get down to it, Japanese aren't blacks.
If you look across a host of measures at adoption studies, fraternal v. identical twin studies, twins-raised-apart studies, the history of early childhood intervention research, naturally-occurring experiments, differences between societies, changes over history, and so forth, you tend to come up with nature and nurture as being about equally important: maybe fifty-fifty. The glass is roughly half-full and half-empty.
Truth is better for humanity than ignorance, lies, or spin. And it's more interesting.
Darwin seems to lose out with the public primarily when his supporters force him into a mano-a-mano Thunderdome death match against the Almighty. Most people seem willing to accept Darwinism as long as they don't have to believe in nothing but Darwinism. Thus, the strident tub-thumping for absolute atheism by evolutionary biologists like Richard Dawkins, whom the new issue of Discover Magazine rightly criticizes as "Darwin's Rottweiler," is self-defeating.
What goes unsaid eventually goes unthought
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